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id: 22384 - Text: @Jayjeezy  If you pay all your money to a woman for sex your a simp bro that's the definition of it.

id: 22394 - Text: Hey man I would just attending Sex and love anonymous meetings. I think that will really benefit you and perhaps change your life

id: 22409 - Text: Someone in a comment on another video said "How would legalizing prostitution affect marriage." This is a good example right here. The same way porngraphy being widely accessible online affected dating negatively. When it's so easy to get sex men don't feel the need to work hard to obtain and maintain a relationship for consistent sex. On a deeper level it's about self discipline. However it's harder to train yourself to be that discipline when the cheap easy reward is being waved in your face on a daily.

id: 22443 - Text: Jayjeezy you can turn it around bro and find a woman that will love you, there's plenty out there. Try not to use the prostitutes as much and put the money into dating instead. You look very defeated and down in this interview so if that's your every demeanor, that's what you need to work out. Woman won't just come along and find you, they don't do that. You've got to put the effort in, fake it till you make it man. Act like you're very confident, smile and laugh, don't ever look down, chin up and spend a bit of money on some good clothes and labels, get a good haircut. When you dress good you feel good, that alone gives you some confidence when you know you're dressed better than everyone around you. But you still have to have the confidence to talk to woman, but you can find it. Even just going on dating apps, you'll eventually get some dates and just keep building confidence. The sex is an addiction for both your enjoyment but half of it is to boost your self-esteem. If you start doing it less and less, the addiction to it will fade. And with any dates; don't mention the foot fetish haha. Wait till the honeymoon.

id: 22451 - Text: You know there is a programme for this if it’s causing you to feel so bad about what you’re doing….it’s called sex and love addicts anonymous look it up and check it out ….there is a solution for you and a lot of people who will support you to live your best life …best of luck 🍀

id: 22486 - Text: Jay nothing wrong with a bit of foot play ….you can find someone who’s into that too or loves you enough to do it with you….sex can be so much better and fun with someone who likes you just for being you….you seem like a decent guy ….don’t give up on love 💗🦶😉

id: 22525 - Text: Jayjeazy you gotta good plan don’t let that nonsense hold you back. You can be a registered sex offendeder if you get caught up and you don’t need that bs. It’s better to be alone than surrounding yourself with folks that don’t have your best interest at heart.

id: 22529 - Text: This should be interesting since brothas think all sex should be easily handed over to them like they're doing you a favor 🤣

id: 22569 - Text: If a guy wants to pay for sex i don’t see an issue as long as he ain’t forceful or a child predator and uses protection . Sex is natural and 95% of humans need/desire it so why is it frowned down upon ?

id: 22616 - Text: Wish you well you are human and humans can do a lot worst than what you do. take care dude you are a cool. there's a somebody for everybody .I don't look down at prostitution or escorts etc because they are human it's just a job everybody got to get payed. it's just so sad and scary brakes my heart you never no somebody's story. keep safe my friend . I feel like he's got a sex addiction to be honest but that's his business his money .😔💔
