31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 35771 - Text: Savanna, thanks for sharing. If you truly want to be your true authentic self and love yourself-truly love, respect and nurture yourself back to health. Getting to the point of addictive free is a process. Getting off of caffeine for years drinking decaf coffee ☕️ could help you get off of drugs. It’s addiction, true! After quitting caffeine, I believe that’s when you can take the road to freedom of drugs. Sleep is so important. There are tons of sleep meditation videos that you can loop for a nights of solid sound repairing rest. 14 years of sleep meditation got me to my goal of finding the best sleep hypnosis. Once you give your mind and body 1/2 the chance, you can fully recover from addiction. You just need determination, a desire to find, nurture and authentically love your true self fully. The body was engineered to fully repair itself. The month I found a free clinical sleep hypnosis online, I decided to wholeheartedly quit my lifelong addictions that started at age 7. His sleep meditations were amazing, and worked like a charm but then I wanted to see if he had a sleep meditation that could possibly help me quit smoking. I only found this 7 hour detox- by Mark Bowden. I didn’t think it would work. But it did, the very first time I played it the whole 7 hours I slept soundly as I was subconsciously absorbing his words as I slept. I woke up calm and confident not even believing this would work at all, whatsoever. I woke up after 7 hours, addicted free! I had no more obsessions with my addiction of smoking cigarettes for 50 years. I had zero withdrawals, zero desire only calm confidence that I’m free of my addictions. I’m clean almost 1 full year. With only two relapses but with both relapses I just listened to his 7 hour detox again. December 12th I’ll be a full year totally clean without any temptation to smoke and I also have had no desire to drink alcohol. Only problem is I gained 40 lbs but that is dropping off slowly. Sugar took over but slowly I’m gaining traction over my food obsessions after quitting; thanks to Mark Bowden’s 7 hour detox. It’s free; share this with me if it helps you quit, too! Keep up the good work in quitting. 11 days is a great start. Take your time and do you! ETA 🌹

id: 35807 - Text: I just started watching this video but I feel like I can already smell bullshit.

id: 35834 - Text: Why did he put beautiful in the video name? How odd

id: 35863 - Text: I've watched a few of these videos over the last couple weeks and this one has made me stop trusting the interviewer for the first time. I won't be watching anymore. Deep down I wonder if he is all that far from the men who abuse all the women he interviews. I would never have dreamed of saying that previously but his reaction to something in a previous video took me by surprise and made me wonder about him and now this one. I was more than a little surprised by the title first of all. Refering to her as "beautiful" in the title was very much at odds with the other interview titles. It is out of place with the theme of these videos and certainly not of importance. The title doesn't suggest she has even uses drugs and it wasnt until later in the video that I became aware that she has/does. And that is just the beginning of what is wrong here. She doesn't have the typical appearance of someone "on drugs" because she is very young, she has MONEY and a safe place to live, her addiction is not extreme enough to lead her stop caring for herself, she is not having to live on the street being raped and beaten etc etc. The interviewer has not acknowledged so much and yet seems to give her value based on her appearance. Not a good example to other young women or young men. I am terribly disappointed. What a shame.

id: 35866 - Text: Have only watched one of his vids, but I would say that as a woman who has suffered sexual harassment and abuse from men who you think you can trust, if any woman’s voice on here feels as though this guy is a creeper or not who is espouses himself to be, he probably is just that. Women can be the cruelest judges of other women when another woman calls out a man for how he makes her feel. If you’ve ever gone through anything demoralizing at the hands of a man, even if it just feels off to you, you are allowed to think and say how you feel, leave the vicinity, but don’t let other people tell you that you’re wrong. I am over 70, and used to be a truly beautiful woman. I also went through so much more of this kind of shit than any of my sisters. Some women never even tell family, so who knows, but beauty encourages dirtbag guys to say and do things to woman that they’ve only ever fantasized about talking to. A good, well rounded man who is secure sexually, and doesn’t feel less than when speaking to an attractive woman is a rare find. They are out there, though. My point is, ignore the naysayers, and listen to your gut. Small example: look at that tool from that seventies show. Absolutely disgusting excuse for a human, and one I would think would have never had a chance to even be in the same room as some of the women he debased so gleefully. Listen to your gut ladies. Last, I’m off to never finish this video after reading some of the comments. Please, don’t subscribe to the kind of self indulgence which is making guys like this legends in their own minds.

id: 35876 - Text: You need to listen to what you're saying listen to what you are saying listen very closely listen to this video back and listen to what you're saying you don't know why you attract these type of people are you kidding me do you want to touch fire do you want to do sex work you want to you don't understand why you want to be objectified by men you don't know none of this stuff that is the devil bro that is not you as a little girl do you think this is what you thought you would grow up to be as a little girl know every little girl dreams of being a princess or are you know a Barbie or this or that in another they don't dream to grow up to live this type of life

id: 35880 - Text: Dear Savannah, during this interview I heard you asking for help to discover who you really are so that you can ground yourself & do better than what you saw at home. If I'm off, I'm really sorry & please forget this message. If I'm right, here's a tip: Anxiety is the fear of being seen by someone else before you manage to see yourself which makes you a controlfreak that keeps people at arms length. The lack of self-awareness is what causes the anxiety (lack of trust) in he first place. To trust yourself you must be grounded & for that you have to know yourself (as you so wisely said in the video). To trust yourself you must first trust your body so that you feel emotions instead of think them. That's how you break the chaotic patterns of life. Second step is to be able to face silence bc drugs, nonstop talking, avoiding eye contact, etc are all ways to avoid silence, therefore, what you've been carrying in the shadows. Remember feelings are just passing if you allow them to do so, & pain can be healed through grieving. Grieve what didn't happen to you even though you wish you could, & that's how your true self starts coming out. Throughout this process I highly reccomend you start exploring what you love (music, colors, places, food) & fill your life with as much of that as you possibly can ❤ With so much love, Carla

id: 35911 - Text: Man the comments on this video suck. When Mark says "you're a lot of guy's dream girl" he is being sarcastic/ironic/funny. He's making a caricature of the idea that men like pretty, crazy women, who are out of control. I have no clue why people think she is lying, living in LA as a young beautiful woman who loves to party, she 100% could have done all those things and gotten that type of money. She doesn't seem like a narcissist at all, she seems like someone who has suffered a lot of trauma and is doing her best to work through her many issues like mental illness and addiction. Her seemingly blaze and ditsy attitude when recounting these stories is probably because it hurts her to be honest about that stuff and it's easier to pretend like it doesn't affect her. Come on people, do better.

id: 35942 - Text: I will agree with @reneelibby4885 about the "Beautiful" part. I find it irrelevant and a personal statement that is not suitable for such a reportage. It is one thing to compassionately mention "I think you are beautifull" to someone who is portraying low self esteem and perhaps asks you, and another to set it as a video title. Ι will also add : commments like "You' re a lot of guys dream girl" (40:15) (42:53) ......? Why make such a comment to someone who just mentioned a bipolar diagnosis and the tragic results of alcoholism? With all the respect to your work Mark. It is a very thin line and needs extra attention.

id: 35949 - Text: This whole video is cringe AF. And Mark Laita is a perv. Why would you keep mentioning her looks when she's talking about something so serious?
