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id: 23109 - Text: No sleep till bedtime! 😄 West Sussex UK


id: 23124 - Text: I would pick you. You are both sexy and fun.

id: 23416 - Text: Pimp a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return. Pimping and pandering laws are meant to undercut the sex industry by targeting the intermediaries - those who solicit money from sex workers, transport them to and from hotspots, recruit them into the sex industry, and advertise sex services Do pimps go to jail? The statutory punishment for felony pimping is three years minimum in state prison, four years mid-term and six years maximum as long as the prostitute at issue is sixteen years old or older. There also can be court fines of up to $10,000. Take care and God bless

id: 23427 - Text: If he and Martina got married they wld look so powerful n sexy af together!!!

id: 23524 - Text: The pimps are going to help the girls elevate?! Please mark, you listen to much to these peoples slick talk. If they were trying to elevate the girls they would let them keep their money, or save it in a bank account for them. All pimps are is an unfortunate side effect of the illegal sex trade and another reason they should just have legal regulated brothels where no one is getting smacked or their money took. They are parasites for the most part (unless they are just taking a moderate cut in exchange for protection or something practical).

id: 23532 - Text: The creator of Soft White Underbelly is making good content. It has its base. But I do agree with you as far as glorifying some of these occupations (dare call it that), such as pimps, strikes me as amiss. I'll explain. Yes, it is true, some women will sell sex for money, regardless if a pimp exist or not. And we can view pimps as managers as people in the music industry have. He (or she) manages the money, promotes, seeks out clientele, counsels, etc. But this comparison is murky at best. Managers in the music industry do not make more than the artist. They receive a percentage. Managers in the music industry do not abuse, torture, extort, and so on the artist. For me, it is no consequence these women usually come from rugged communities, broken homes, without a good father or any father at all. They even call the pimp daddy. Some of these pimps are being dishonest about the business and their practices. Unfortunately, the women are powerless to see it. People that extol this kind of pimping really need to take a closer look at this. Enough said.

id: 23621 - Text: I'm not interested in hearing any pimp's story: They are traffickers and leeches. That's partly why I'm for legalized prostitution: Sex workers wouldn't need pimps--they don't need them now--since they would be legal workers; once accorded legal rights as sex industry workers, they could opt to be independents who work in adult entertainment zones (away from schools and churches) or work in legal brothels. And legalization would finally allow state and federal governments to tax their earnings: Those taxes could then subsidize vocational and educational opportunities for sex workers who want to transition out of the sex industry. And like the legal brothels in Nevada, all legal legal sex workers would be required to get monthly health checkups for the safety of the workers and their clients.

id: 23671 - Text: Why would a woman or man want to have sex, perform sexual acts with multiple strangers/ familiars and give it to another person who has done nothing to earn the money? There are no retirement benefits in selling yourself or selling others.

id: 23736 - Text: @15.40 I don't think he quite understands that, yes, people actually do HAVE to work. We don't all want to. Just like a lot or prostitutes absolutely do not want to be doing what they are forced, or coerced, to do to survive. And I mean that both in the cases of Gorilla Pimps forcing them, and the reality that it is easier said than done for them to sneak away/escape without being picked back up, and pitiable sex workers who are forced to out of desperation, circumstances, sinking into drug addiction, etc.
