10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 873686 - Text:  @manuelfg2902  so because she wants to try porn that some how invalidates what she said prior. She's telling you then showing with her actions and they seem to match decently it's not a one track way.

id: 873688 - Text: If u actually have privacy n like to pervs out n enjoy sex, that sounds better than porn. To me, porn is too exaggerated n un real. I doubt she is going to find the "artistic" porn director who is highly ethical ...

id: 873704 - Text: So next for introverts?

id: 873739 - Text: I don't like guys who don't respect my porn. I also don't like guys who brace the porn. They should just hate it and love it and also pretend I'm Mormon and I don't work. Sounds like she finds a reason to reject everyone as soon as she meets them.

id: 873742 - Text: This camwhore (because let's call it what it is) seems totally delusional about her degen lifestyle. Superficial pleasantries. What she does is predatory and parasitic, praying on lonely men who are so desperate for a little female attention that they are willing to pay all their extra money and life savings for little whiff of girlfriend experience that is 100% fake and lie. Not to mention all the depraved stuff she probably does for weirdo fetishists. And she wants to get into porn. Way to go, girl, just dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole and see how well it turns out.

id: 873768 - Text: So easy how people are mowed over if someone is pretty and talks intelligent. Sexuality is a gift meant for one other person for her to share with. She will never know the beauty and power of that. This lifestyle completely erodes a woman's self worth, self esteem and soul. A lonely and empty life with an aspiration to porn?!! Come on Charlotte level up! Your MUCH more than your body.

id: 873818 - Text:  @smile1991able  let me tell how it's going to go...she's gonna move on from the cam girl and get into porn..too easy and profitable for her at this point not to..she will get what she desires.. money, Fame, attention...then, when she gets burnt out or when the industry throws her away whichever comes first, usually within 8-10mths, she'll then eventually want to settle down and start dating..Only then she'll realize that no respectable man of value or anybody with a good family with morals and values that she's interested in wants to take her seriously. Why? Cause of them life choices and her past. It's reality. No one wants damaged goods. It is what it is. I didn't make the rules so save me your exception to the rules fantasy BS that all woman believe they are. In all seriousness, she should just make her money and invest it wisely for a long term prosperity if she ain't gonna invest into a quality partner to make a life with. Everybody wants there cake and eat it to too much these days.. unfortunately life doesn't work out like that. 🤷🏾‍♂️

id: 873822 - Text:  @rmzndhszs2587  she's selling her intimacy to porn-addicted men (only the addicts actually pay for it) who don't give two shits about her mental well-being. Someone who goes to college to get a degree that they don't give a shit about is also throwing their life away, but they're at least gaining some experience and skills that they can use for a real job that will make them money and allow them to move up and prosper. There is no upward growth in prostitution. The women who do this all wind up broken and unable to form healthy, stable relationships. They also struggle to find work because most employers don't want to hire someone who has exploited themselves on the internet.

id: 873955 - Text: I swear there are a good number of girls coming out that mormon cult that go straight to porn.

id: 873995 - Text: "If you're going to do anything, give it your all & be good at it - Charlotte! She definitely owns it & articulates her thoughts very well. Wonder if she went down/up the porn road? This is an older video.
