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id: 23739 - Text: Mark, you are starting to sound like a CEO for backpage the way you blow smoke up these guys' asses. Can't you at least interview them more objectively, without making a pitch for normalizing prostitution, and feeding into their calling anyone who has issues "squares?" They would stick their feet in their own mouths without the buttering up. It just makes you seem in on it, or at the least, 100% supportive of it as a way of life while ignoring the ugliest sides of it. Interview people like Johnny Thomas, 34, and Becca Mills, 25, of North Carolina, who were recently arrested for trafficking a 15 year old - you know, a year or two above the average age girls enter "the Game." Do you think Johnny Thomas is aggravated about how the law is changing to call his "pimping" sex trafficking like a couple of the pimps you recently interviewed whined about? Kenny Red doesn't know any rich pimps, or drug dealers. Ha! He admits it is only because they blow it all, probably on coke, crack, opiates, and whatever drugs he needs to keep his women subservient and dependent on it and him.

id: 23871 - Text: This guy sounds like a pimp with integrity. Unfortunately, he is the minority. So many of them actually drug young innocent women, get them hooked to control them and be able to make money out of them. When they grow up or get sick they either kill them or drop them off in Skid Row. It would be interesting to hear an interview with one of those heartless pimps to try to understand how they can do all that without any qualms. Maybe understanding their twisted emotions can help protect their victims. He is definitely right about the demand issue. Pimps wouldn’t exist if there weren’t so many men asking for women they can pay for sex and discard them once they’ve come.

id: 23885 - Text: I know that I'm going to sound like a "square" asking this, but unless a woman is homeless, I don't understand the value of having a pimp. What service do they actually offer? Are these pimps with the women while they're having sex with men, to be sure they get paid? Are the pimps there to be sure that women aren't forced into something they didn't consent to? Are the pimps there to protect the women from violence?

id: 23925 - Text:  @DocMajor16  Where i am from sex work is legal. I do not know 1 sex worker who works for a pimp. So i think that working for a pimp is very unhealthy, regardless if they do not abuse the sex work. I mean, who is willing to give up all your hard earned cash? No one who's in a right state of mind.

id: 23927 - Text:  @DocMajor16  I think that any person who gives away all their money while having to sck sweaty blls of strangers, is not in their right state of mind. And i know lots of sex workers, and do not think any type of way about them for being sex workers. I am absolutely not against it, either, but i am definitely against the exploitation of sex workers.

id: 23931 - Text:  @DocMajor16  No, i am disagreeing with your idea that it depence on if the sex worker is ok or not ok with giving the pimp money, basically, but that is not what makes it exploitation or not.

id: 24013 - Text: You are looking at Abraham reborn in the flesh the head in a woman's life king Solomon and David in the flesh you had to pay for their g.a.m.e to hear them speak they could change your life by speaking his wisdom from a reality perspective into your ears the jibber jabber is to throw off the suckers that's listening to use his game to manipulate a female for sex so they just make small talk and sound ignorant but best to believe he has Harvard university g.a.m.e about all women's of all colors emotions and spirits that controls the foundation of the syche of a woman

id: 24069 - Text: To Answer your Inquiry, from my Perspective: Yes, there is a bizarre fascination. Why? Because a Female can correct another Female's Perspective about Her Canine Psychology, or Conduct, and be perceived as Offensive, but a Homosexual is a Friend, and a Pimp, or Panderer, is a Guide, a Leader, a Concept of God. Pimps' Perspectives are imperative to Know. 😶.

id: 24080 - Text:  @ZolaMarie  I want women to understand that there is not a dime in the world that a man could compensate her for the honor or laying with her. That man ideally should be her husband in which a covenant has been established.. Respect is the bare minimum. If he disrespects her while doing the above then it doesn't count. A woman should have firm boundaries of what she will and will not deal with. A woman should understand that her value is independent of a man and his sexual interest/financial exploitation of her sexually exploiting herself for financial gain. If that is the only thing you as a woman value in yourself, or the only thing a man values in you, then I highly suggest you do some soul searching in order to discover what your non-sexual value is.

id: 24081 - Text:  @CharismasHealingJourney  bro stF up there’s a such thing as a sex worker . Sex work is cool as long as ur doing it right not everyone gives a fck about impressing men like you. Ur so square lol. Women don’t care about nothing u say . Some of us don’t like spending our time for free.
