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id: 24082 - Text:  @CharismasHealingJourney  let people do what they want . Women gon have sex anyways and I respect the ones a lot more who ain’t doing it for free. All these husbands u speak of are out here cheating on their wives with women like ME. Get over it. I rather be a me than a miserable married woman not knowing what my husband is out doing . I wont be getting married unless he’s rich period point blank leave that people have different views of life than u. All my payments can easily go towards whatever I want in life , a business, a home , anything positive . You continue loving you neo soul boring life and I’ll continue living mine

id: 24083 - Text:  @MF-Rell  Respectfully, that is a myth. I have heard of men totally losing interest if they even have to put forth any type of effort beyond Netflix and Chill. The bar has been set so low by women who go for this that men are automatically expecting this. On the opposite end of the spectrum are women who are playing men for drinks and dinner, so men angered at having been duped have spread the rumor that women give sex for drinks and meals. Not to say that some women don't, but if they do, aren't the men purchasing their company considered tricks? Which goes back to people needing to 1-respect themselves 2-respect others 3-act with integrity. Sadly these qualities are few and far between, so I understand why what I am saying is coming as such a shock to you, but you need to open your eyes to the fact that many women indeed value themselves beyond the physical and cannot and will not be bought like a prostitute. And for the women who do prostitute themselves, I respectfully say to them, and beg of them to stop, examine their own inner beauty, and see how much more worth they possess.

id: 24087 - Text:  @CharismasHealingJourney  Man you're more toxic than a man. So now they gotta jet married to have sex? So you're the pussy patrol and you're using the Bible to justify it? Sad.

id: 24092 - Text: So it’s ok to give that gift away for free ? And you telling us that if you have a opportunity to get 1000$ for that puzzy u gone pass it up at some point in yo life you have had sex for something of value rather you want to admit it or not yo boyfriend pay yo bills n in return u suck n fk let’s stop the cap

id: 24143 - Text:  @BenEC78  tbh I don’t think he does I think that even w kkk ppl he did this or even the sex offenders I think he’s Jus tryna get them to talk

id: 24177 - Text: honestly every pimp plays it different, i dont make my partner bring me their money. That's their money they work hard for, but they give me what i ask for when i ask for it unless they don't have it. That's enough for me and it works for us, because i fell into being a pimp, i never planned on it. My partner has been doing full service work for a while now, but hasn't had any backing, and there's a big difference between these two situations so i told them to be more than liberal throwing that ism out there because i was okay with it. One thing lead to another, and i fell into the role. I just wanted them to have the protection of that behind em, just in case, because it makes a big big difference. I didnt intend on actually filling the role until they allowed me to. And that's alright with me. Thats my main partner and i will do anything they need, whatever that may be. We've got a non monogamous setup, and have both been interested in being with each other for some time, it seems, im just finding this out though. I am blessed, beyond comparison. I am so thankful and grateful, because without them, i would be a lot more unhappy. The joy they bring to my life outweighs any of the stressors of the day to day, let alone the grind. And thankfully, they are employed full time and just do the hustle as a side thing, at most. I hope they stop soon, but i'm not about to make them do a single damn thing, and i'm only gonna ask them to if it's needed. Ive got a bad bad habit myself, been a long term h user for 7 years straight, and unfortunately got kicked out the methadone clinic on a super high dose, but, with a fractured spine that healed wrong holding me up, i would rather be a junkie than unable to walk or in a wheelchair. Don't judge a soul. The game is hard, and if you don't know the streets you don't know the streets. They are what raised me, aside from me raising myself, and a few old timers here and there schooling me and teaching me life skills like laundry (Didnt learn till 19, sadly), among other things? All i ask you is this? Am i exploiting my girl? Are they exploiting me? They are gonna do it no matter what, if there's people coming to get fucked, they're gonna fuck em. I dont fuck with pimps generally, but i've learned a lot from a few old timers, and i once viewed them as inherently exploitative, but that's simply not the case. Every single situation is different. Thankfully for myself and my partner, we got love, trust, commitment, and a whole lot of hope, and are in a romantic relationship with a shared hustle, vs the numerous other ways this happens. I am blessed by them, and i can say with certainty i am a blessing to them as well, because they wouldn't be with me if this wasn't the case, they chose me, and really had to come and find my ass. And i am so glad they did. I owe them more than i can speak on here, and i'm thankful to be loved, for once. I haven't been loved right, and it's so good to see it, because when it's there it shows, and if you have to ask, the answers in the back of your dome and everyone else knows. Mind your business, and don't judge the arrangements others involve themselves in unless it's clear someone's getting beaten or exploited. There's a reason my partner doesn't give me their money, and that's because i know how shitty sex work is and would prefer they keep it, even if they may be bad at managing it, or not. I am, but my habit comes before anything but them. The price for understanding is high sometimes, for some people, it's every dollar they make. For others? A life built and wasted. What is the price you pay for understanding, love, and to be cherished and respected? To grow with someone and build a family? Have you even got a clue? Because if you don't know the answer to this, ask yourself why you are in the situation youre in and why you stay, because you best know. Only wanted to provide perspective from someone who's been running game a long long time, and unfortunately has to to survive. It isn't easy out making a living, even less so when you're entirely unemployable and NOT due to a felony. Some levels of poverty are so low, there is no way out but crime. The glamorization of it in music and media as a whole disgusts me, but that's another comment for another day. Peace

id: 24178 - Text: Those fools out there with a stable? They probably are lying to hype themselves up. 90% of the ism is spitting ism, anyways. The rest speaks for itself, and its all in how you treat the ones you roll with, and the terminology surrounding this specific hustle disgusts me. How you gonna call a pimp a human trafficker when they aren't transporting anybody anywhere, and aren't doing much but providing and planning and keeping their people safe? And not shit on the clientele who provide the entire market to begin with? This shits no different than any other hustle, but for a few variables. In full service work, not having a pimp behind you gets you robbed, killed, time wasted, and people fucking around with your money, trying to waste it on shortchanging you, and trying to waste time spent better elsewhere. You ever been a sex worker? A full service one? I would assume not, but if you came from the middle or upper tiers of economic class, no fucking shit. This is one of the quickest ways to get out of being in poverty if you play it right. To anybody speaking to me, in response, know that in addition to being an artist and a musician, and a long term opioid and benzo addict whos managed to get and keep housing despite maintaining a fully fledged addiction, just know it's got nothing to do with willpower motivation or anything besides work ethic, anybody can do it. But the factors driving each of us to the lives we lead are complex, individual, and often steeped in our childhoods and the things we lacked, or lack now. I personally, build on a better foundation, because i learned from the ones in front of and around me. You sound like a fool. This is standard game, and the reason why these women give some man all their money, is because they haven't realized they can negotiate, and often don't, and wait to be told. Hoe hustlers suck, but real pimps? Legitimate ones? They wouldn't even be on this channel. Kenny red? His name speaks for itself from my perspective, i am not in that state city or state of being tho, and don't know the man personally, and will judge his story based on the women who've worked for him, before his own word.

id: 24214 - Text:  @MsIcollins  And that doesn't come close to what Kristen is talking about. Your reasoning is 'because there are men willing to pay for sex, we should supply then with women. And exactly how does that get humans to level up? It doesn't. It keeps our society mired in filth, never growing spiritually, never lifting nor fulfilling the world's need for change. Take the supply away.

id: 24255 - Text:  @Ella-iw7xn  you mean because you don't think it's ok. How about countries where prostitution is perfectly legal? Just because there are many people interviewed on this channel who exchange sex services to support their addictions does not mean there are not people who freely choose sex work as a profession. In regard to your deeper question, the answer is the human need for sex and pleasure.

id: 24285 - Text: @Mark Tinman you mean because I’m against sex traffickers? So you are ok with supporting sex trafficking?
