10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 963743 - Text: Watching too much porn will mess you up. Puta you in a fantasy world. I quit watching porn and now enjoy sex and have healthy habits

id: 963750 - Text: Ginny Bloomer Agreed! And there’s plenty of happy, long term married/coupled people out here who do have poles, sex chairs, porn (oh gasp and pearl clutch-poles, chairs and now PORN! OMG! The HORROR!) and all kinds of interesting fun stuff that isn’t deterred by being middle aged and older-as long as we can get the kids out of the house long enough to have our own fun discreetly. Hell, why not?! We just told our adult kids who moved out on their own we turned their bedrooms into a “hobby room” they think we use for sewing, reading, etc. ;-) Heh, heh: Ignorance is indeed bliss! Just because we have kids, age, get kinda thick, bumpy and lumpy etc. doesn’t mean we can’t kick off our mom and dad slippers, ratty bathrobes etc. and play! Good on ya Juan, hope ya find ya self a nice, discrete “proper woman” in the living room and an equally enthusiastic “pole partner” elsewhere in the house eventually. In the meantime, hopefully you’ll pick up some woman-pleasing tips from the Pros because gawdknows, apparently a LOT of men need a ton of instruction and OJT: They drool over the map for decades and get lost the second they have the damn compass in their hot paws!

id: 964446 - Text: I saw my father try to kill my mother when I was ten and was shown porn too young and I didn't turn out well at all......We need to have population control.

id: 964672 - Text: Mormons watch porn I’m prolly the only nephite

id: 965274 - Text: I know porn actresses put makeup sponges and pads inside of them when they work on their cycle.

id: 965757 - Text:  @quicksilver7341  your entitled to your opinion …. all I can say if you really believe that women choose this lifestyle then in my opinion you do not understand the trauma mind nor do you understand the collective trauma world we live in and nor do you understand the history of sexual violence against women that has shape society and you into believing women choose to be s selling their bodies and yes that means women who don’t have a pimp………. ( men do also) It’s not quite that simple… One part I will try to make clear and it’s just not one factor yet this in my opinion is a huge one …is as long as we have a society where we don’t re-teach our little boys who grow into teenagers who grow into young men and then into grown men the true meaning of sexual relationships with a partner instead of letting them on their own to learn from porn that they actually have the ability to be in control of their sexual thoughts and cravings then men will continue to use money as a power tool to pay for masturbating in women’s bodies…and children’s also…this is a form of violence …in my opinions we need to start arresting all the johns and pimps and offering all the women & children trauma counseling…we don't place the women in jail...we need to stop that... This act of violence will continue until we start arresting every man that gets caught for paying for sex ....then they can be retrained to learn how to fulfill their sexual desire with a mature heart …it’s time men grow up and serve humanity the way GOD intended…and it wasn’t to have men looking at porn magazine and watching porn movies, fantasizing over weird sexual behaviors to the point they are raping infants….and toddlers and children while they film it and sell It on the black market. Men are here to serve and protect the feminine..because of their strength …GOD made men stronger to protect not to dominate over women physically..yet some where in history men saw how powerful female was ...they could shed blood, give life and feed life. so man's ego came in and push GOD to the side and push the feminine power under him by using his strength for powerful and the only way a man was able to shed blood, was to murder.. .and so it began...this is what I see..If you don’t agree that’s fine that’s okay…That’s what we humans do …we think different.. how about we just find UNITY in that fact…

id: 965758 - Text:  @mariemonn8912  I agree with you. Sex is spiritual and porn has heavily affected that. However the reality is that this is the oldest profession of ALL TIME. Sometimes it’s not just sex, it can be giving a Lonely man conversation, spending time with him. Old men pay for those type of services because they don’t want to die alone. Everyone doesn’t take sex that serious. A lot of men including myself sometimes look at sex as a quick nut and that’s it 🤷🏿‍♂️. So a millionaire buying a women for $300 for the night is nothing to him for CONVENIENT sex. I went to school with a girl who was on the A honor roll. She bought her a nice house off selling feet pics to men at the age of 22! Women are just as responsible as the pimps, this is a CHOOSING game not forced.

id: 966297 - Text:  @miapdx503  It’s obvious you were/are a sex worker. So, let me phrase this argument slightly differently. Sure, the people walking the streets who are husbands, sons and fathers looking for women to prey upon are disgusting. Women who are willing to have sex with those men are disgusting too. Pimps who are making a business out of those interactions are disgusting. They’re all terrible, they all tear down society. Sex work does nothing but create further literal objectification of women. It’s porn in real life, but it’s never that simple. A prostitute could be a mother, sister or a wife/girlfriend. A prostitute was someone’s little bundle of joy growing up, but she/he has been turned into an object designed for pleasure. You’re stripped of all personality. If you do have standards, they’re the lowest of the low (no poop, pee, hitting etc). Anything to do with sex worked is morally reprehensible. I get it, hard times make people do terrible things, but that still makes it exactly what it is - terrible.

id: 967003 - Text: When she says, “scene” she’s doing porn🤷‍♂️

id: 967267 - Text: When you start to notice that its mostly only women taking the brutality in this "lifestyle" it makes you wonder if this was all somehow engineered by anti-female misogynist syndicate /conspiracy. Yeah there are male subs...but the brutality is just not the same I've noticed after years of observing these people. Women subs like her are brutalized worse than inmates at Guantanamo Bay in porn and in the dungeons where as a male sub would easily wuss out and not go through with it. It's a very peculiar and bizarre world that 50 shades of Grey tried to make trendy in 2013 and onward.
