10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 967519 - Text: So this white woman from a 1st world western word takes sexual pleasure in GLAMORIZING sexual abuse, torture, and violence & we’re supposed to be WOKE enough to legitimise this?!? As a woman who actually experienced & not just glamorised being sexually abused as a minor LEGITIMISING THIS IS DISGUSTING! It’s similar to poverty porn IMO. No doubt this woman is suffering from mental illness & needs MEDICAL INTERVENTION rather than a platform to legitimise & glamorise ABUSE. I’m literally nauseous from seeing this ABUSE PORN advertised as a protected sect. SUCH AN INSULT YO WOMEN WHO WERE ACTUALLY TORTURED

id: 967620 - Text: Oh no, that’s Hollywood/Porn S&M. Most S&M play is non-sexual.

id: 967637 - Text: STOP THIS BULL SHIT Gutter stinks, IT IS NOT GUTTERS PROBLEM, but it stinks. However in our case it is our choice, remember my body my choice. East money flow can never be ruled out, world oldest profession for a reason. NO INVESTMENT ONLY OUTCOME. Easy life, easy money AND easy damaged goods. SOMEHOW, how come prostitutes, sex workers, escorts, drud addicts, criminals, pornstars, onlyfans celebs, murderers, serial killers, psychopaths etc have same story. PS u how how difficult is it for outlaw psycho killer to kill.

id: 969466 - Text: Yes. Unfortunately, porn industry has normalized rape and brainwashed men and women. Sometimes watching another woman enjoying humiliation makes some women believe that they enjoy too

id: 969961 - Text:  @Mao_tse_tung  absolutely! Same as porn..... Not saying this happens to everyone but certain types of people/pervs get addicted and go deeper and deeper into porn and then want to act out in real world. What's the limit? What if your wacko fetish involves acting out on people without consent? What's the frikken limit folks?

id: 970227 - Text: Don't we have enough examples of what "goes wrong" in this community? Just look at porn, professional or amateur, both are disturbing.

id: 970372 - Text: I realized I was a masochist from my choice of porn then guys would ask me why I always wanted them to be aggressive. One person told me I wanted him to rape me. That wasn’t true but i could see how he thought that.

id: 970760 - Text: Where can I learn more about this? Like, not in a club, but read or watch interviews. Could anyone post some links, please? I don't know how to Google subjects like this without porn taking over my phone. Thanks in advance!

id: 970859 - Text:  @Mallenaudrix  Yep, it just keeps ramping down that way. But that is how porn works. Research shows that tolerance is developed, and then new level of porn is needed because the old one doesn't work anymore. The stuff that is getting normalized is beyond sad.

id: 971101 - Text:  @Ghostinaseashell1789  Rape is about NO consent. Against will. Unwanted violence. Perhaps “rape fantasy / fetish” is a gross term, but there’s consent there. It’s just that people like her enjoy pain and force. It’s not about taking what’s not yours. They would not want to be truly raped. Consent. Important distinction. Also I don’t think there is a correlation between the number of people talking about “rape fantasies” and the number of rapists. You’re a rapist or not. If someone is inspired to rape by seeing rape porn, that person was a rapist already.
