10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 984542 - Text:  @Woohchaiell  respectfully...... that's exactly what you got wrong about the game. You already have this portrayal of what a "pimp" is supposed to look and act like. Granted there are millions of them. You probably work for one yourself and don't even know it. The only difference between what they sell, and whatever the business you work for sells, is what would be considered as illegal. But in a free enterprise market... as long as there are people who are willing to buy it, there WILL be people who sell it. What you are mistaken about is the fact that he's NOT manipulating or coercing these women to do what they do. As a matter of fact, when it comes to the sex industry, porn producers are a million times more manipulative. The right type of "pimp/player" will just let a woman know what the market is willing to pay (her value), and they will either choose to do it, or choose not to. It comes off as being a "smooth talking" individual because they're being absolutely honest about what's what... something your own boss probably doesn't do with you until you earn a particular position. But I still haven't heard either anybody point out the exact thing that he said that would make you consider him a narcissist. Point out the EXACT parts in what he said...... you can't. So my point still stands... some of y'all just love to throw that word around just to be doing it. Either you have no idea what the word actually means, or you already have preconceived notions.

id: 984552 - Text: @Drew With onlyfans this dude would be done in no time anyway, so is the traditional porn industry. Dude wouldn't innovate or even hear about it (his words). I've from a western country ( one with some freedom) So my occupation is officialy pimp and you get tax cuts. Its nothing more then making sure the whores are safe and try not cut corners paying you, with some sad sob stories.

id: 985330 - Text:  @isabelle123_7  20 million people without Jobs in America alone out of 330 Million. Look at the population of large cities. You can fill an entire city with all the people that don't have Jobs There is also a big portion of the 330 Million that do have jobs, (a good 20-30%) That get paid next to nothing and can barely make ends meet. A girl needs to work the streets, and she needs someone where when she screams for help, someone will come running no matter what. That's a pimp, that's all his job is to do. The girls love what they do because they get paid good money and are protected. If she doesn't come back in 15minutes, people are looking for her, if she screams, people are there paid to guard her. These men that protect these women, are paid well. Why? because the girls are paid well since they get respect from their customers or else. Now what do you think? Cause it's not going away. All you can do is create a system that sustains everyone without that needed Or create a system where everything like that is safe to do without the possability of any real human being being harmed. Not convinced? What happens when I teach Artificial intelligence to learn how to make porn? by watching porn? And then I tell the computer: This is what a person with drawfism looks like, make a porn with characters that are randomly generated and not real people, okay now make them look 18 Wow, they look.... creepily young... like.... pedophile young..... Is this.... okay? is this... wrong? Or is this a safe way to perform even the sickest of crimes. You can apply this thinking to all laws. Everything can be legalized under specific circumstances. Youtube: Realistic Android Then realize its half as expensive if you make it 3 feet tall instead of 6 feet tall And its a toy, that you can buy a new one in the morning cause they're dirt cheap like a phone. It's a toy, I can throw it out the car window, off a building, into a fire. It won't care, and its a toy. So now what? Why would you do something illegal to another human being, when you can do everything illegal to this thing? We all have one. Think you won't? How are you here then online? What are you using to be here with the rest of us online on youtube? The fact that you blindly walked into the life where you ended up using youtube without even realizing you were absorbed into it like you will the rest of tech that is to come over the next 10 years if we don't fight it

id: 985349 - Text:  @gaymansupreme  I can sell women and children. They're called sex robots and you know they're very possible We just haven't gotten everyone in the same mind set like a video game becoming super popular. Like there's no commercials like: Booom baam check this new update, look at this cool stuff it can do now, new models, weekly updates> no what i mean? Now you can rape, murder, and enslave your sex robot. Why would someone take the chance of hurting a real person and get sent to prison when they can just invest the 20,000$ into a sex robot that can carry shit and send that out for blowjobs?? I just made the most illegal things, legal in a safe manor. This is Communism at its best built within Capitalism and the more powerful Capitalism becomes, the more it powerful of a Communist community that it builds around it with its own power. It'll be cheaper to give you crack, then to fund your imprisonment. My money doesn't come in the form of dollers My money comes in the form of getting you from the start of this game, to "success" for as cheap as possible That's true success. Who's more successful? A man who has to infinitely make millions of dollers? Or a man who built a system in place that sustains him and everyone around him for a constantly dropping price tag that's easily counter balance by not having to do other shit trying to stop you from doing shit you shouldn't be doing. Instead you have a world where you can do anything illegal, legally. From there you continue writing the book, that's enough detail and from what you have seen this far in our story, you should know I'm not lying to you. Come back today, tomorrow, next year I don't care, I'll say the exact same thing the exact same way, because its the truth and I don't have to think about it when its so clear. You didn't fight cell phones, you didn't fight cars, you didn't fight the internet, you didn't fight houses, you didn't fight planes, trains, or transport trucks. These are all advancments that serve a true purpose and we stopped. But now, now people are finally getting onto the same chapter of the same book. Many of us have been waiting here for you because we can't move forward without everyone involved. Why? Because that's how you over power a super power So powerful it slips into your life like it should have been here the whole time. No one rejects it, all religions use it, and the ones that choose not too still understand its benefits and respect it as we respect their right to reject it. The same rules still apply Just yours will have less freedoms then mine. Anything less will come with less choice less freedom more restriction. But will also come with a house, fast car, planes. If you know you don't need any of that fancy stuff and you just need the neccesities with a few luxuries on the side, you live with the rest of the people who live in a totally free choice society. You can talk as much shit as you want (as we do) You just can no follow or take physical actions on someone. Your sex robots will be standing there and always be recording the past 30 seconds - 1 minute for legal reasons. There will be no court system, just what happened will be beamed to everyone to see and judge. If the vote is passed and what you did was bad enough to the other person, you'll go to another place which believes its okay to physically harm other humans without their permission. That'll be by force but will take a lot to get there. There will probably be like 3 rooms of people you'll need to pass through before a vote can truthfully be passed. And you can still be voted back in as long as you send videos out of the warzone explaining yourself to get enough votes to be vetoed back out here. There's no excuse to be evil to anyone anymore. Only productivity and chillen. I have "slave" camps all over the place but what it's just gathering points where people are working on a megalific project with hundreds of thousands of people at one time. You're using all hand tools except for situations where safety is a risk and you're not doing this ask work, you're doing this to just be productive and you're bored. You're done with swimming or games or drugs, or you're high enough, or done with porn or sex or whatever and you're ready to play some games with your friends but your friends are building stuff for a game but serious stuff, not just a tree fort or a TP Legit massive cities built mostly by hand with mass produced parts supplied by the megalific super system that capitalism will be known for because it'll become its most efficient form being able to supply these projects for fun and the sake of art. Like funding movies. But you don't need funds for movies anymore because its so easy to make movies. And if you really needed funds you can ask around because people are making VR 3d models you can use in games which people can buy with money Capitilism gives them to live this life style leaving more space in Capitalism and these things you buy cost 0.0001$ but since everyone is now playing the same games you can make a potention 800 Thousand dollers from that cheap ass shitty 3d VR model. A kid could make it, but why spend the 20 minutes when its right there for 0.0001$?

id: 985455 - Text:  @KairHatchet  what the actual f did I just read. You lost me with the midget porn

id: 985738 - Text: The thing is while I don’t agree with the lifestyle or what he does if you’re not from the life then tbh you can’t comment. I’ve seen a comment from someone that was from the life and she said that the girls that chose that life but didn’t have a pimp were down bad and the ones that did have a “good” pimp were better off. It’s the same thing you get when y’all are looking at porn or a OnlyFans where yes you may see the girl or guy but they have someone behind them managing them frfr. Yea, ofc he has made some unsavory decisions but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is 100% a bad guy. You have bad people who do good things and good people who do bad things.

id: 987255 - Text: I would be curious if Sharp is JUST pimping, or if he is involved with the pornography industry as well. I don't doubt that this guy is making some pretty big $$$. I wouldn't be surprised if he owns a yacht. I have a hunch he is powerful enough to pay the right officials officials off to look the other way when necessary or beneficial to him.

id: 987457 - Text: and porn industry have many too !

id: 994185 - Text: All sex work is valid no matter if it’s onlyfans, BDSM dungeons, exotic dancing/stripping, phone sex operators, cam girls, pornhub—-ITS ALL VALID! Prostitution is NOT the only way. He is aggravating lmao

id: 995915 - Text: I really like him. What he is saying is real. Not bc he is handsome. But bc the way he speaks is probably how he keeps his girls happy. It’s true some people do it for the moment. Others just do it bc it’s a routine. They have nothing to show for it. Referring to the pimps and the girls. You can’t be doing this looking busted. I’ve met many pimps, I’ve met boyfriend pimps, gorilla pimps. Not bc I was doing that. Yet bc social media is so easy for them to befriend you. Target you. Recruit you. Anyone can be a prostitute. It’s like being a stripper. Some go on stage proudly. Happy to dance for money. Yet if you’ve ever been a stripper you know it can be humiliating. To have to show your body for money. Go around see who wants a dance. So forth. Same with only fans, same thing. That’s why I can never look down on woman who do strip, who do porn , or have to lay down with someone for money. Bc not everyone can do it. Life is rough man. We all can’t walk the same paths in life. Some of us struggle to get to where we are today. But no matter what we all may do for a living . I commend everyone working hard. God bless everyone.
