10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 44649 - Text: She is fun, she is a beauty, had most horrendous childhood and ended in porn, which sounds like a right place for troubled, abused person for their cult-like approach to troubled hot gals. I hope she is happy, she seems way too sweet for porn actres.

id: 44677 - Text:  @psychsoulogy8018  Filthy? Do you have hangups about sex? There are millions of people who watch porn and so long as there is no violence (or children) and couples partake in it together there isn’t anything filthy about it. Sad that you’re so judgmental and shallow.

id: 44735 - Text: Please include links to their porn as well in the description.

id: 44747 - Text: I met a guy with a porn addiction. He liked degrading women sexually, forceful stuff etc no intimacy, no connection, just control. I could tell he was abused as a child. I think he thought I’d be good victim material because I had been abused. I processed my pain, reparented myself, I am still processing stuff now. I didn’t fall for his attempt to manipulate me, younger broken me would have. Porn has a lot of broken abused people imo and it’s really sad that people get taken advantage of rather than helped.

id: 44764 - Text: Praying her kids don’t see her porn one day.

id: 44768 - Text: Don't glorify porn. Its disgusting in the end .

id: 44781 - Text: Wtf kinda of husband let's there wife start a job in porn... It's one thing if she was doing it before, but to start while in a relationship... Ugh

id: 44784 - Text: I don't watch porn but this girl had really hard times during her most sensitive age, at her childhood, I hope that she's doing well since the interview was taken

id: 44787 - Text: There is a common thread through these stories. Young, innocent children and even babies abused either physically or sexually, and often both. And this is at the very hands of those who should protect and care for them. Is it any surprise that many of these children turn to drugs, alcohol, prostitution and porn? Many don’t graduate from high school and have limited options and are trafficked by pimps or “boyfriends.” Runaways statistically are likely to be approached by a “groomer” within 24 hours of homelessness. As a Forensic Nurse Examiner and Domestic Abuse RN I took care of so many damaged people who never really got a break. One of the worst cases involved a prostitute I took care of after her 7th rape in less than a year. When she was 6 she was abused by a priest, told her parents and was beaten for lying. Turns out the pervert had molested almost every child in the community. The community was listed in the credits of the movie “Spotlight”, a film detailing just how many young boys and girls were molested in the Boston area by Catholic priests, all while the church and some people in power knew about the abuse and did nothing. Many pedophiles were just relocated to reservations where they continued their abuse. It makes me angry every time I think of how much these kids experienced and how their trauma lives on in PTSD,

id: 44796 - Text: She deserves to be cared for. But pornography is a dark and ugly industry. It's too bad her husband is perverted and doesn't desire to protect her.
