31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 37746 - Text: Haven't yall seen this in a lot of the videos of young girls? I remember the one with the pretty black girl that worked on the street I can't remember her name. He made a Patreon video because she got naked in a hotel in front of him.. he was saying creepy stuff to her. I knew then!!

id: 37751 - Text:  @eternitykentucky6935 what the hell!? He really does that! That’s so sick! I honestly will be unsubscribing after this video. As someone who has borderline and bipolar even the title put me off.

id: 37752 - Text:  @eternitykentucky6935  what video

id: 37754 - Text: @elenayblanco  soon as I get some free time I'll look it up, before seeing that video I thought maybe he had a flirty demeanor, oh but after I saw it. No, he's just a creeper

id: 37773 - Text: ​ @tsveno72 literally going through his videos to see if anyone noticed. I don't know what he says here, but after Exotic video and how this guy looks, acts and presents humself... also what people say here about him? Slimy-slimy type I'd say.

id: 37778 - Text: I am getting the same vibe watching many videos with young and pretty women. Maybe Mark is not aware of that. hope this thread reach Mark so he could maybe put some thinking on it. love this channel, love mark for many things he does or says so this one can not break that, but anyway it does feel creepy and we are allowed to address it.

id: 37792 - Text: What he actually said was that she was some guys’ idea of a dream girl. And he said it when she was confessing the worst things about herself. He could have been saying it to make her feel better about what she was saying at that time or he could have been referring to some guys being attracted to damsels in distress. I honestly think it was pretty innocent though. I can’t speak to any questionable comments in his other videos. I’ve have to watch them.

id: 37802 - Text:  @spiritualkitty555  EXACTLY!!!! 👏👏 Some of his interviews are so intrusive and deep delving with people who are still living that trauma and addiction lifestyle. I can only think that opening up those deep buried traumas would completely cause someone to take whatever cash he's paying them and go straight to get more drugs or alcohol. I've commented on his videos before asking if people are offered counseling afterwards. No surprise, no reply! He's making money from people's sadness. It's really sick. I'll admit the videos are compelling and I'm pleased people have a platform to express themselves but there really should be some help with some guidance afterwards. It would be nice for him to show that that is happening . It would be nice if he did follow up videos with the same people after they found their feet, through his help and sign posting. But it sounds like he's just another sleazy guy abusing his position. He has a pay to view channel??? Yep he just sounds like a wrong un.

id: 37810 - Text:  @ClayMastah344 …I felt the same way at first..but then I found out how much he helps out the community down there. Mark, who is married to a model, was the number one photographer for Apple for a long time…and did shoots with world class supermodels the photos of who you can still see on his website. He has raised a lot of money for a many different people down there. All his videos are de-monetized so it’s not like he is making a killing in terms of money he makes on these clips. He was on Joe Rogan not long ago..and perhaps you should give that interview a listen before writing him off altogether.

id: 37821 - Text: I got the vibe too. Kind of makes me just wanna like take some time to just do interviews like this with people who otherwise wouldn't have a voice. No gimmicks. If I got money for food and cigarettes whatever, but no like 'relationships' the video set with the one girl where he helped her and she basically got him. Like her and her new pimp were pumping him for cash on the regular and he figured it out finally lol. But like after that one, I was kind of like , like I felt like these kind of interviews and stuff are amazing for many good reasons but I feel the space isn't as safe for the people being interviewed. Or as safe as it should be.
