10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1078361 - Text: What everyone is missing is the most real aspect of her story, her tattoo: born2porn. She got it before she turned to the sex industry. What can we say to those who feel sexwork is a calling, regardless of their childhood etc. What makes it so uncomfortable for me is her basic acceptance of sex with whoever, and indeed enjoying getting fuc#ed. Like she said, the best 'hoes" love it at its most fundamental element. And this is what maybe drives men to sexworkers in the first place. And also her premise that #icksuc#ing should be something you get paid for, highlighting a fundamental realness that very few women wake up and dream of doing it. Her reality is really pointing at what many women do in the context of marriage or relationships yet may resent, but also secretly loathe her for getting paid outright for what they do for is complicated and for sure she's realer that most in depicting that....

id: 1078370 - Text: I agree with all these comments, for sure. Genevieve seems like she has such a good head on her shoulders, is extremely articulate and has a solid view of what's going on, though mainly in the sex trade. It was kind of telling when the interviewer asked her "what have you learned from all this," that her answer wasn't sort of more of an overview of her life and how she got there, etc., but just that some johns will surprise you by being so generous. Like another sex worker that was interviewed on this channel, these women are so deep into "the life" that it's their entire point of reference. It's like anyone -- so many of us are -- sometimes we just get stuck in our little world and that's all we see, and it can be a rut. And it has its pleasures -- like the john she fell in love with that provided for her... until he moved on suddenly. It's its own world — the porn and sex-work world — just like other worlds, publishing or sports or finance. There are hos and there are "dates" and they populate that world, just like there are bosses, secretaries and managers in other fields. People have their roles. They are all in that world together -- for some reason, they are all there, they were somehow drawn there or wanted to go there or got forced there or stuck there, they get comfortable there, they share that bond. But she actually seems happy with her life -- unless she's in deep denial about what she's doing. But she laughs at her own comments and stories and seems to sort of have a humorous, ironic take on it all. Like others on this thread said, you wonder what she could have become or what direction she would have gone in if she had a decent family upbringing. I could see her working on political campaigns or in some kind of activism because, despite her saying she is sort of always feeling apart from everyone, it sounds like she gets along well with others, does not have an attitude, is down to earth, a pretty humane person, and has a realistic view of people. Maybe in sales -- although, I guess she already is, in a sense. Maybe in P.R. She has a fun and spunky personality that is fun to watch, and I could see her in a punk rock band or maybe in some kind of media, like celebrity media, or maybe a reality show. I wonder if there has ever been a reality show about "the life." I wish her good luck, and while the decision is up to her, I think you should try another life outside of "the life." Maybe write a book about it, though.

id: 1078438 - Text: For every promiscuous female, hooker or porn star there's a pervert in that poor woman's life when she was very young. No woman is born promiscuous.

id: 1078463 - Text: Her porn name?

id: 1078549 - Text: I saw an interview with a Japanese porn star who said her Japanese dad kicked her out at around 14 years old for dressing sexy or something, so she got caught up in the porn industry fast.

id: 1078570 - Text: This interview reminds me that most work of any kind involves some kind of "whoring of oneself" either to stay in the job or to get ahead. But the way sex work is done in the US and Canada involves a a much higher level of risk, danger and exploitation by pimps and other middlemen. However one thinks of sex work, stripping, porn, etc. the women (and men) who do the work should have protection as workers --- I say do as in certain parts of Europe -- legalize industry, regulate this work/business, provide healthcare and pensions, etc and while it may not be the kind of work most want to do if there was any choice in the matter, I don't see sex work disappearing any time soon. Genevieve is articulate and it seems she has no illusions about her profession and her life, but still there is a harshness to her voice which I feel is a result of all the cruelty and danger she's had to endure in her life in and out of sex work. Sex work is still work and for people like Genevieve she deserves protection. If only our politicians could see it this way.

id: 1078654 - Text: I love how she compares porn to Adam Sandler movies. LOL

id: 1078669 - Text: Genevieve, let me be at least one to tell you that you were not born for porn, and that was unquestionably not God's plan for your life. What your adoptive parents and others did in the name of God is despicable. They were under the influence of evil, not God. Your gifts and talents and beauty are obvious. Those were things God put inside of you for a purpose, and a prostitute is not your identity. You are a precious daughter of God who loves you more than you could possibly imagine. His heart breaks at every hurt you're caused because your life does matter. You are infinitely precious to Him, just like your daughter is precious to you. You've seen the very worst of life, won't you let Him show you the best? Maybe it sounds trite to you, but as a sister who cares for you, I emplore you to call on the name of Jesus. He is right there with you. In fact, it was Him who saved you from three fatal stab wounds because He wants to redeem what's been stolen from you. He is unspeakably proud of you. No matter your decision, I just want you to know that I respect you and your life and all you've overcome. You're amazing💗

id: 1078744 - Text: I think she has the potential to become a professional actress.. not just porn clips..

id: 1078764 - Text: I live in Hollywood, I’ve met and been friends w many a sex worker, dancer, porn actor. My ignorance toward that world was changed. A LOT of people that do this for a living can make BANK , business people sometimes. And, normal intelligent rad folks
