10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1078936 - Text: Hope none has to do porn ever in their lifetime. Thanks all love. Pls assist in deleting preventing ever to happen. And asisst everyone in having a good life happy life joy good all love. All love. Thanks thanks.

id: 1078978 - Text: Interesting how she says she was designed to be in porn.. Not the case she was designed to greatness as smart as she is, an engineer maybe & if she learns another language shes now an international engineer! What some would give to have intelligence..

id: 1079082 - Text:  @samu3813  I get where you're coming from. I respect people's choices as well, and I appreciate how open she is around the subject matter. I also find it believable that she truly loves sex and would rather make a living getting paid to do it than do anything else, and that's fine in theory... The problem is that it ignores pretty much all of the cons of sex work which are drastically worse than typical cons for 'normal' work. She went into detail on the different sex work jobs she's done. Clubs, message parlors, track, porn. She basically says they are all predatory and that 'fucked up' stuff is going on everywhere, the least of which is that she's been made to have sex with people she didn't want to. Finally she lands on prostitution, but she's a free agent (won't be pimped). One can reasonably assume this is at least in part due to the negatives of having a pimp. Being beaten, pressured, etc. you are essentially owned. Sounds great right? She just gets to have sex with people on her own terms and get paid, no worries, no bullshit. The perfect job... right? Wrong. She gets stabbed with no consequence to the attacker who just walks off and continues their life as a crackhead. I'll say that again... She gets stabbed by a crackhead. So that should tell you the type of environments she is regularly in. You are taking what she is saying at face value, and it's simply her denial infused rose colored glasses. I am sure in a world where you could have sex for money without any fear of negative consequence there are plenty of people that would jump at the opportunity. That isn't the world we live in. This woman lives in constant fear and chaos and she is lying to herself, whether she loves the sex and money or not.

id: 1079293 - Text: These interviews are fascinating, I hope she invested the money she made because looking at her now it is safe to say she won't find as much work as she did in her younger untarnished years. When she talked about her tattoo of "born to porn" and how she said God had intended for her to go down this path of sucking dick for money is heartbreaking.

id: 1079296 - Text: She is great but born to porn is heavy but she enjoys it&so no Problem!But i wish her a better life in a stable hime clean(if she is on)&with a good work!The problem with prostitution is you can't stay young enough 4this job everyone get older&then?Yudt thinking but the best for this sweet Lady!

id: 1079333 - Text: Sadly a lot of prostitutes and pornstars come into the industries from an abusive background where they were raped and/or abuse. She is a waste of a smart person. I think she could of be in a much better job if she wasn’t sexually abuse out of school by her adopted family and people in her high school. You can clearly see she has been heavily abuse by the scars on her body.

id: 1079373 - Text: Goodness…. I hope she finds help Nobody is born to do porn

id: 1079538 - Text: 0:50 - Sick Parents. Super Abusive 1:19 - Sexual Abuse by Older Brother 2:20 - Biological Parents. "Blood thicker than water bullshit" 4:00 - Intelligence 4:11 - "Before I even knew what sex work was, I knew I was destined for that " 4:28 - First Experience. $300 Allure of Money. 5:20 - Slippery Slope 6:40 - Money all over again. 7:35 - Money and power. Force. 8:30 - Girls are Expendable 9:00 - Properly Dressed and still getting picked. Sexual Magnet 10:20 - Worst Pimp 11:20 - Strip clubs and greed. The System designed to keep you DEPENDENT for money 13:30 - Porn. Feeling like she knew she was made for this life. Calling this her calling. 💔💔💔🥺 15:00 - Porn Directors Excersing power! 15:40 - 16:20 - Child Abuse. 17:10 - Strong Intuition 17:30 - Being Stabbed 18:20 - Being Rude cause of the stab 19:00 - Anger and reaction 21:40 - Addicted to fast money? Sex addict? 22:25 - Have you been in Love before? 23:20 - A Daughter that keeps her in check. 24:30 - No sense of belonging 24:50 - Lessons from men. "Men can't be monogamous... They are highly sexual beings" 26:00 - Do you believe in Love? Having client's for as long as 20years 28:55 - She's Honest 29:50 - Lack of respect other people have for your life 31:20 - Benefits of being Asian 36:30 - This is the sad reality of men 39:30 - Advice - Don't judge a book by its cover.

id: 1079589 - Text: anyone know her porn stuff?

id: 1079601 - Text: Pornstars are prostitutes too, dont matter which way you sell your body, its wrong. and I am glad she's honest about her being abused and used because I have always said its broken, women with no value to themselves that do it, and then the new generation of broken women branhed out on the internet and pure innocent women started doing it, prostitution is wrong, its disgusting and very anti women. Dont approve of it, call them out on the internet for being disgusing prosritutes.
