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id: 24846 - Text: Actually I'd rather commit suicide then prostitution, I feel a person loose their soul by selling their body as a plastic toy. Whenever men offers me money for sex I refuse.

id: 24867 - Text: What kind of fucking monster you have to be to wanting to have sex with a 13 year old girl, makes me wanna vomit

id: 24873 - Text: I live in Norway. Here, prostitutes are not arrested, sex buyers and pimps are. Maybe the states has something to learn?

id: 24944 - Text: If she really needs sex work income, she should do only fans.

id: 24948 - Text: $1300 hundred a night she claims to be making and say she works 5 days a week. That's $26,000 per month. Even halfing that, she's making $13,000 a month and say she only works 11 months per year. That's $143,000 per annum and I'm pretty sure she's not paying any tax on that. Sure she has some expenses. Motel room every night rather than going home. The, non pimp, "boyfriend", who takes half her money. (She's quite naive to think the Boyfriend is providing any sort of value to her business when she can get robbed at will by anyone who chooses, on any given night). Pretty sure she can't get insurance for robberies, so she has to absorb those costs Let's be real, she's not giving up her current job for a desk job when she's making that sort of money. She's only saying she wants a regular job...a more socially acceptable job because that's what she thinks the interviewer wants to hear. Abandoned her child to the care of her Grandmother, the child's Great Grandmother, no less. Taking ecstasy daily or every second day to just get by. Her actions of travelling to other cities for work proves she has no interest in seeing her daughter. Her daughter asking her to come home being ignored. Then says it's her goal to be with her daughter is just another thing said for the benefit of the interviewer. There's zero truth in her words. She's committed to her job and the lifestyle. She's not a person who should be pitied. She admitted lying to her Grandmother from a very young age, saying she's going to school bet went out to have a root for money. Obviously her Grandmother cared enough to try and keep her on the straight and narrow but she, of her own free will chose the path she is on now. Not having her Mother and Father in the picture is no excuse. She had sufficient supervision and guidance from her Grandmother. Where she is now, is solely on her. Having said that. The Government is keeping her there by continuing to criminalising prostitution. In the US at least, only some counties in Nevada, is it legal. There is no criminality in sex between consenting adults. The, "CRIME", tag is only applied when money is exchanged. I expect this came about because of the Christian religious values against prostitution given in Deuteronomy 23:18, because it's said that the Lord despises prostitutes. In Leviticus 11:7 says, "And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you", but pork chops and bacon aren't illegal. You can't cherry pick your religion to suit your tastes. It's a take it or leave it situation. It's hypocritical otherwise. For a country like the US, whose Government is separate from the Church. Such a religious test of any type should not be considered in the making of any law. What should be considered is the freedom of people to engage in commerce as they so choose and as I said above, there is no criminality in sex between consenting adults. The exchange of money does not change the nature of the act or it's legality. Therefore, prostitution should be made legal. ...and by extension, Brothel ownership made legal. I will not accept the counter argument that making Prostitution illegal is to protect the Prostitutes from exploitation. It does the complete opposite. Amber said she was robbed one night. She can't go to the Police to complain. She'll just get another charge and we all know that nothing will be done by the Police to catch the thieves. If Prostitution was legal, she'd have no problems reporting the crime and the Police would be compelled to genuinely investigate and try to catch the thieves....but we know that the Police do little investigating for such crimes unless they're given rock solid evidence on a plate but if that evidence was provided at least you could expect some action to be taken to apprehend the thieves. Plus, like any other business, she could have insurance to cover robberies. Legal prostitution would mean that the transactions can only take place in a registered business premises away from Schools, Pre-schools, children's playgrounds, theme parks, shopping centres, Churches etc. Basically restricted to operation in industrial areas. No more street walking permitted for safety reasons and for the same reason other businesses can't take over a part of a side walk or other public place for their exclusive use. Clients must present confirmable ID before accessing a service and undergo mandatory screening and those results returned clear before any service can be engaged in. So no drunken spur of the moment decisions to go and have a root and anyone can examine those records free of charge on line. This is an obvious deterrence clause . Use of those records for any purpose not related to the delivery of a service by a Prostitute is punishable by a mandatory 12 month prison term. Introduction of a crime for passing on a transmissible disease to another sexual partner and the second or subsequent partner, regardless of being a Prostitute or not is unaware of the first partner. Onus of proof on the accused. So tell everyone in your circle of who you root, who you're rooting and get it in writing that they've been told. Not just a law associated with Prostitution but applies to everyone, everywhere. Prostitutes to be licenced. Introduce mandatory health screenings. Licence suspended if you have an illicit or unprescribed medication in your system or miss a mandatory screening or have a transmittable disease of any kind, till the transmittable illness is cured or the mandatory screening is attended. Mandatory screening to be done at the end of each shift. This will enable better and quicker tracking of who what and when the transmittable disease entered the brothel and by who. Cost to be borne by the Brothel. Also deters drug abuse. Mandatory use of condoms and any other future device that prevents or mitigates the passing of a transmittable disease and the offer or acceptance by either party to not use a condom etc is a crime. Regular psychological evaluation of Prostitutes to confirm they are not being harmed by the work. Prostitutes income comes into the mainstream where they can show proof of income for loan purposes, to get a credit card, home loan...all the stuff ordinary self employed/ employed people do. Payment for Prostitute services to be made electronically. No cash, cheque or crypto payments. Means no cash on premises, so no incentive for robbery. Prevents Brothel owners skimming off money meant for Prostitutes. Brothel owners to only charge a flat legislated rent for a legislated square meterage of floor space in the registered business premises on an hourly basis, when actually used. IE: The Prostitutes are not on the clock unless they're with a client, unless the Prostitute has negotiated to reserve a space for their exclusive use for the duration of their shift and the rate will be a reduced legistated hourly rate x hours to be worked. Results in more money going into the Prostitutes' pocket. The lower rate for reserving the space for the duration of the shift removes an incentive for the Brothel owner to pressure Prostitutes to book the space for the duration of their shift. If the space is reserved for the whole shift, the space is able to be locked and the key or combination only known to the Prostitute who hired the space. Ensures the Brothel is run more on the lines of a motel and removes any incentive for the Brothel to pressure Prostitutes to service certain clients in particular ways to increase the Brothel's income. Prostitutes are able to organise their own association (Union) which they may opt to negotiate with Brothel owners individually or collectively and be paid as self employed contractors or employees. An employee will be entitled to be paid at least the minimum hourly rate as set by legislation. 4 weeks annual leave. Paid double time for working on public holidays. Unlimited sick leave, 100 hours of paid sick leave per annum and can be accumulated if unused. All unused annual and paid sick leave hours to be paid out at end of employment. Wage theft laws to apply. Mandatory superannuation contributions paid by the Brothel for employees to provide a livable income in retirement. Self employed Prostitutes to pay a percentage of their taxable income in superannuation based on previous tax returns or other appropriate method. Full health care including dental. Above mentioned Union to join with other Unions to lobby the Federal Government to provide a free or highly subsidised universal health care service for Prostitutes due to their particular vulnerability to adverse health outcomes. Mandatory electronic log books of hours on duty, managed through a secure website, monitored by on site Union visits at times and places of Unions choice free from interference by Brothel owners and inspected by the relevant Government employment agency remotely at regular intervals. Breaches to attract fines and custodial sentences per legislation. Log hours includes all hours on duty, not just those hours when seeing a client and work hours restricted to say a maximum of 50 hours in any 7 day period. A maximum of 10 hours worked in any 24 hour period. Employees paid overtime rates after 8 hours work. This is not a restriction of trade clause but a health clause, to ensure Prostitutes get sufficient rest. Pretty sure the restriction on work hours is currently applied in the transport industry for health and safety reasons, so there's precedence. The comparison between Prostitution and the Transport industry is apt in this circumstance as Amber said she was taking ecstacy to ensure she worked. Whereas without it, she couldn't work due to being too tired. That's not healthy, thus the restricted work hours clause. Finally. Is Amber still alive, 3 years after this interview?

id: 24957 - Text: A vicious circle ..sad ..a waste of her youth .. no real self confidence instilled as a young child…I sincerely hope her daughter being raised by great grandma does better than her mother and grandmother. This is not an isolated story. If men didn’t use these young girls as their pimps get most of the girls hooked on drugs take all their money earned from a John customers if they didn’t prowl the streets looking for sex maybe …….. these pitiful girls need prayers and a way out if they will take it. It’s a dark hole to pull yourself out of being a common street walker. It has been done. It’s tough. They are abused in so many ways by men for sex. Some have never lived in a protected safe loving home life that every child deserves. Sometimes the toxic emotional abuse and sexual abuse starts at home.

id: 24970 - Text: "sex work is real work"

id: 24999 - Text: Hey darling, I'm a former prostitute.. it was a long time ago now. There is hope and light for you.. you are beautiful/ brave. If you want out there will be a way. I believe in decriminalization for the sex workers. Arrest the pimps and customers!!

id: 25023 - Text: Proves making prostitution illegal is daft. Doesn't work. Implement Belgian- or German-style laws on prostitution in the US. They stop trafficking and incurable VD forms being spread by sex workers. Rehab and social security systems are needed too. Not to mention a UK-style National Health Service. Lacking all these things means the US is heading for a catastrophe due to addictive illegal drugs.

id: 25108 - Text: Sad and shocking how many of these girls are manipulated into the sex industry at such a young age.
