10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1105368 - Text: In ten years she will be spit out of the bottom of the porn industry.

id: 1106126 - Text: Ain’t no way 5k for stripping….Come on now maybe if you’re a porn start a bit more than that but a stripper oh well who am I to judge but just found that hard to believe

id: 1106198 - Text: Hi to all that are here in this shared personal space. I've been thinking of making a comment that is highly controversial and have held of to watch more stripper/porn actors interview but now is the time. It is an observation of mine that over the many interview/documentaries in those fields that when first asked "how was your childhood" they almost immediately say "I had a very average up bringing" but as the subject matter moves on you hear them duck back in to thier childhood memories as part of an answer and they do that 4 or 5 time's. It's overwhelming the numbers that do this, thier is way to much clouding any kind of formative opinion that could be used to help person in question and if indeed they want or need. I'd like to say in this forum to all, I have formed a yes or no answer to truma during childhood. It is the responsibility of every Man and women who live on this planet to take care of children first and foremost an act accordingly, be mindful that is is more common place than thought.

id: 1106387 - Text: Props. Anxiety? Princess? More like QUEEN. You have more confidence and awareness at the tender age of 26 than most people aquire in a lifetime. Not that I envy your lifestyle or life path personally but... for yourself, your soul's path? your personality and Spirit is Strong. Obviously you can achieve whatever you want, whenever that "expiration date" arrives... I wish you the Best. This interview reminds me of the porn star, a mom w a disabled son, and who suffered a stroke (if memory serves?) from some kinda strictly religious family who's building her own empire and defying the stigma. Loving Self and continually evolving is the theme here, not judgement, conformity or allowing others to determine Self Worth or what is an acceptable life path. ❤️💕💞✌️

id: 1107678 - Text: Any lady that want to join me for our own porn videos

id: 1107687 - Text: The best thing about porn wih all the inflation in this country, Is most of it is FREE!

id: 1107690 - Text: "I'm lazy and have no talents, and porn is easy money." Hey, it's her life!

id: 1107692 - Text: Porn affects people’s mental health it’s facts so I believe it’s bad she’s not a bad person but I feel like she making a bad dignity wise

id: 1107695 - Text: Taymond 6røøn I completely agree that the porn industry has a negative affect on the public but no one is forcing you to watch porn. Porn addiction has been compared to drug addiction. You choose to do drugs just like you choose to watch porn. My entire point was that her life and the industry she’s chosen doesn’t affect your life whatsoever unless you allow it to.

id: 1107696 - Text:  @taymond6rn641  Chile also have the freedom to never VIEW whatever porn she or anyone else makes. Nor attend any club she dances at. Remember cant be negative to a person that never VIEWS IT!
