10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1107697 - Text: kim anderson lets take a step back I was introduced to porn at a very young age through magazines that I seen delivered to my house from then on I Found my self attracted to Naked women at 12 and 13 and seen a lot of things online at a young age But what happens is now that everyone Glorify porn and act like it’s no big deal younger people are exposed to mature content The accessibility to porn is out of control you cannot scroll down Instagram without seeing half naked women or Watch tv without seeing it People are born everyday and if We Are affected now they will be also all I’m saying is they should be more responsible as adults idgaf what she likes to do but some things should be left private

id: 1107698 - Text: kim anderson I first viewed porn at a young age and I wasn’t trying to I stumbled across it just like rappers influencing people to Do drugs Sex has a Very strong influence on Kids brains and Porn Shouldn’t be Glorified as a Good Thing And I don’t know her personally so I can’t say she is a bad person but From the choices she admitted to making I Think That they are Wrong and Degrading

id: 1107699 - Text: Mackenomics never said her life affects mine I’m talking about porn in general I never knew she was a porn star or cared so your Statement is Irrelevant

id: 1107701 - Text: Half the people chatting shit are probably having regular Tommy tanks over porn anyway lmao

id: 1107709 - Text: Live and let live effects all of us. Thats the reason this world is so horrible now, not a moral compass in sight! Live and let live is ungodly and is of no benefit to any group of people. You can't pick and choose when it does and does not effect someone. This example is a problem. PORN in society is of absolutely no benefit whatsoever. Can she and all others like her be so much more....YES THEY CAN! its problematic when you and others like you think what she is doing is her best or that its OK. But if you dont want more for yourself, how can you want more for others. Maybe it is you that needs to grow up.

id: 1107733 - Text: It’s really just a moral thing the pornstars are not in the wrong she’s just a worker it’s the whole culture of porn that’s fucks the world and make us think of women as item for example “ Milf , Pawg , Bbw even though it doesn’t seem bad it’s a easy way to put labels on your sexuality

id: 1107749 - Text: I find it funny how we are arguing about porn but I have gotten so much hatred over my hair being straight as a black woman. This is nowhere close to being like porn but people still concern themselves over what I do with my own hair. People really need to worry about their own lives and not what someone else does with theirs'. When it comes to grown ass people stay in your own lane. At the end of the day we can all point the finger at each other bc I don't know anyone who is squeaky clean.

id: 1107758 - Text: resurrected _JEW oh and by the way, no i am not in porn. I have a degree in psychology. You fucking idiot.

id: 1107760 - Text: Plus she is bad at porn... I can you do THAT

id: 1107763 - Text:  @taymond6rn641  I just made a comment about people being exposed to porn, sex, and drugs at very young ages.
