10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1107879 - Text: Entitled. Lazy. Out of touch with reality. Porn is tempory for women. Vocal fry is annoying but i guess she cant talk with a dick in her mouth. Prediction. Do what you want girl. But when yor looks are gone and your hair is gray whatever will you do. Adult choice made by bratty little girl. Do pron stars mind the C word? I wouldnt think so since porn screamsi am a woman who thinks too little or too much of myself to the point where i will let strange men you could care less about into the most sacred part of me. Men doll. Are going to tear you apart physically, emotionally and spiritually. Remember do not speak because porn is ther to use you until they are done with you. To think, she could have been anything. This thing wont be joining the team to save the world or help someone. She choose deludion, money and an easy way to do nothing on her back. Have fun with the numerous bladder infections to cum. 😢 p.s. Dont forget gentlemen dont marry cunts. They also dont want children with people who endanger his childrens future when they see their mom fucking online. I predict a future video with her doing meth to numb her hirribke choice. GET OUT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. Jesus weeps for these women. Sorry. Not sorry. 8:31

id: 1107886 - Text: Its like i can understand all types of people emotionally, even her, but my brain just simply can not fathom how you could be fine with for example your family / friends finding out. Like how is that not a horror, and how are some people not bound with any shame? Im not shaming them im sort of envy because my shame or whatever binds me to the point sometimes i cant even dance.. and we got ppl doing porn … how… and why can i not understand

id: 1107887 - Text: Why the fuck is she dressed like that? Does she think she's at a porn shoot right then?

id: 1107896 - Text: Definitely not a top-tier lady.. I Watch the porn.. no boobs, slightly under average body like doesn't work out... Weird boobs... Little to no good looks.. She is just mediocre trash... Don't recommend her vids..

id: 1107914 - Text: It's amazing how many people here are rooting for a person who calls being a full time pornstar a luxury...

id: 1107915 - Text: Why don't they ever get a person sith a blue collar job to talk about their lives .. what's so special about a porn person

id: 1107920 - Text: One of my favorite pornstars. She bad asf

id: 1107921 - Text: Another very beautiful women. I’ve noticed most of these stripper porn ladies are a bit self obsessed. But that’s fine. It’s to be expected. I wish them all the best of success, safety and happiness.

id: 1107924 - Text: Lol. She's 21! 😅😅 let's check back after the numerous bladder infections that can't be cured due to taking antibiotics too often You do know sex like that can destroy your vagina not to mention the fissures she get in her anus. So beautiful. Just like the Diana the Princess of Wales. That voice is gravel on a chalkboard. One hot mess who when too old for the executives will chuck her out like an abortion cause that's what men and porn do to dumbass woman.

id: 1107925 - Text: What’s her porn name?
