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id: 25575 - Text: It's annoying that the US won't make this legal and protect her. When women have nothing else, they have bodies. I've always, even when I'm ugly, have people that try to manipulate me with sexual things. It's annoying. It's gotten to the point where I don't to have men over me. It's like, yeah, it's happening again. Let's connect to one. I found Durov in my suggestions and said a prayer. No, we won't hook up, but I will be shamed and accused over and over. Now they're going after ugly and worn-out women such as myself even more. At first, I was a kitten, too young and unworthy of a guy, and should die for it. I must like my superior. Now I'm ugly and should die for it. How dare I insult a male I've never met. I've only had a few men try to box me young but had issues. Other people like me rarely understand why I don't want normal things. Like this woman, it's too late, and I'm stuck. I will say that it's not always a choice when that happens, back to Amber, especially if you don't have protection. I was hunted down in the military by superior males, not for sex but rage and hatred of women in general who should be barefoot in the kitchen. I had a good command, but you can't do anything about outside things. I talked to another girl in the sauna who had a past command after her. We are hunted down by males. This happens on the outside, too. In fact, I was sexually harassed more on the outside, but I could get away. We won't even get into my classy moves.

id: 25576 - Text: Legalize it, sex work is real work, treat these women with respect

id: 25593 - Text: And the "men" who pay to have sex with her are the ones to really blame. They care nothing for her as a human. Can you imagine knowing that the person having sex with you cares zero for your feelings, your thoughts, or even your physical safety? And then multiply that sadness by how many times a day she feels the despair. Breaks my heart.

id: 25599 - Text: I usually propose one proposition, the cops and their network usually know who these Pimps are, they usually work for them, get rid of these pimps and with time eventually you will have less of these kinds of cases, prosecute them, get the testimonies from the girls like her for raping them (even though they are prostitutes sex without consent is still rape), look at this Kid, she is pretty, she is humble she easily could've been a Flight Attendant, everything got ruined because of one guy Funny thing is the pimp raped her and made her a mother and now he got a Family, I don't know what kind of system we are living in

id: 25654 - Text: Poor Amber .. I feel for ya, girl.. I went on that road at 15, now I'm 34.. my dad was a drunk and I don't know him but my ma was educated and had a normal job. It still didn't help. We were poor and I grew up lonely, loveless and with a mixture of paranoia and disgust from the world out there. I never worked for a pimp and I don't understand why girls do. I doubt there are any pimps who really provide protection, and I bet that many are the number one cause of those girls to get hurt in the first place. Also we are easy targets. Most of the girls who work the streets grew up without a father so they fall easy for a man who gives an impression of strength and protection.. in reality if there is anything they protect at all it is your money that ends up in their hand. I hope and pray she will one day walk out of this mess. But the problem is that the prostitution itswlf is just the top of the iceberg. There are deep, deep installations inside the brain that make a person do certain things, go a certain road.. in order to be a real estate agent, she needs to change sooooo much. From quitting bad habits, to finishing her education, to thinking patterns, abd above all - which is one of the hardest for girls in our field - to get used to smaller paychecks, life without tons of adrenaline etc. Even if she says she doesn't like what she does, it IS addictive. Because of the quick cash, and no other job (at least not at first ) will bring you better income than sex work .. I know plenty of women who tried to stop. They came back in less than two weeks sayin, "hell no I won't be doing this or that for 10$ an hour!! I could do 200$ in this time!!".... Also there is the environment, the upcoming frustrating (and most likely costly) legal battle for the child, the boyfriend (majority of women who work the street are not exactly experts in relationships and often are choosing a partner who makes things even worse than they were) etc. Changing negative habits is extremely hard. I was glad to hear she wasn't on hard drugs. I had a hard time getting off the heroin, crack and alcohol and continuing to work sober... It is very triggering... Eh... Hell. I could speak all day. Good luck to you Amber and may life be kind to you. You are a beautiful lady..

id: 25661 - Text: This is odd, I recently watched someone give a TED talk or TED talk-like presentation on the glory of "sex work" and that "sex work" is "real work." They made it sound like a glamourous, rewarding career option perfect for a real "go getter" type woman. Some say they make thousands per hour, humiliating and training Wall Street types who want nothing more than that. The elites make their case for legitimacy while standing on the backs of the Ambers of this world. I have a lot more respect for Amber, who's humanity shines through with each and every heartwrenching word. I hope she finds the light and life she deserves. As for the Ivy League types, prancing around a stage in $1,000 a pair stilettos, well, let them get back to their "real work."

id: 25708 - Text: The johns are completely invisible. What kind of society thinks its okay for men to buy women and children for sex? The invisible f**king asshole johns.

id: 25740 - Text: Her mom starting drugs at 8/9 yrs old? Sounds like there’s a history of sexual abuse somewhere in the family. And this young woman was 13? Who the hell pays to have sex with a 13yr old? And the pimp takes all the money? Why don’t they go out and sell their own damn body. Geez I hate humans more and more.

id: 25805 - Text: Why are all these stories so sad? How about some happy, healthy, sane sex workers?? We’re out there.

id: 25811 - Text: I'm thinking of all the perverted pigs who use these creatures to fuck them as sex objects 🤬🤮 You realize perfectly well that she is not well and needs help. It's disgusting. This girl needs a lot of social, emotional, occupational, educational and economic help. This girl is broken inside and it shows on the outside. She's so fragile. It's horrible. While in Sweden (the rest of Scandinavia wants to introduce it, as well as Scotland and Spain) they have abolition and it works better than in Holland or Germany with legalization because the mafias are increasing and they don't all pay Social Security either. Everything is a lie. There's a lot of brainwashing going on with this topic. There is a lot of brainwashing going on with this topic. And media like MTV or certain movies whitewashing the issue did a lot of damage. In fact, France wants to de-legalize it because it does not work. Another problem in the USA are mediocre Social Services, few human/economic and material resources for certain groups that need help and guidance like this girl, no public good healthcare where everyone can have access, lack of equal opportunities, few labor rights (depending on the job, but it should be for everyone more or less the same), education is not equal, the housing issue is a joke, and especially there is no good Social Security for everyone. I have never seen so many homeless in the streets as in the USA. And so much poverty for a western country, and supposedly the richest and most powerful in the world. Instead, they then have millions of dollars to deliver weapons or invade other countries provoking others for nuclear war, or supporting coups d'état 🙄
