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id: 25818 - Text: Marriage is a form prostitution...cos, the woman has no choice but, to a have sex with the one and only husband. Marriage is prostitution which is wholesale and never retail... For both it's bondage...boredom and lack of intelligence and respect for each other reigns....very sad indeed.

id: 25853 - Text: There are men out there sleeping with a 13 year old... Again, 13 year old. They pay to have sex with a CHILD. I wish all male babies would get castrated at birth. Then we wouldn't have these stories. Bloody sex drive.

id: 25858 - Text:  @_anon_4532  if they had no sex drive since birth, there would be no energy invested in sadism, no fixation to anything sexual at all. Also, sexuality and agression is very closely connected. Sportsmen stay in quarantine before the match so they can use all the built up energy for the game, soldiers who are deprived from sex kill the most...

id: 25869 - Text: This isn’t an interview with a prostitute this is an interview with a SEX TRAFFICKING VICTIM. Did you do anything to help her??????? No youre making money off her misery just like her abusers!!!!! Shame on you. Disgusting.

id: 25891 - Text:  @markdsm-5157  speak for yourself and your life man. My husband and I have 4 children together, and I certainly fulfill my role as my husband’s helpmate. You are sorely mistaken if you believe you receive even a minute amount of the blessing’s of marriage for “free” as you put it. You may have sex, but it simply isn’t possible for those uncommitted to one another to reep even a mirroring of the intimacy found in a lifelong partner devoted to you and your family. I honestly fear for both my son’s and my daughter. My eldest son has met a nice young woman who seems to have a good heart but is a bit naive about many social issues. However there truly is an utter lack of decent young men outside of my daughters own brothers. Because she has two older brothers looking out for her, we’ve thankfully avoided having her see young men involved in inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately indecent behavior seems to almost universal among the young today and it is increasingly worrisome. The attitude towards marriage amongst the young today, such as your’s is sad to me as marriage has been one of life’s greatest joys for myself and my husband. I am sorry that you feel you have reason to feel this way.

id: 25933 - Text: To anyone who says prostitution is liberating and empowering for women, DO NOT DARE use exceptions to minimize the pain MOST sex workers go through. The demand for sex work needs to stop. Until then prostution needs to be legal to keep these women out of danger (as safe as it is possible anyway). But the demand needs to stop. Sex is not a human right. You do not have the right to sex. It’s not this or rape. Prostitution is pretty much paid rape. If you can’t get laid, you can’t laid. Don’t put anyone through pain because you “need” it.

id: 25961 - Text: 21 It is not too late im38 And I’m still in the industry at 40 I’m gonna leave and then I’m gonna go into the beauty industry and become a beautician and then later on I’m gonna go into activism and work for a sex workers out reach project they have in Sydney hopefully

id: 25978 - Text: if i had alone time with Amber, i would just hug her and hold her. no sex needed

id: 26017 - Text:  @Poodle_Gun  There are two organizations, Children of the Night and The Sex Workers Project, that do help. But they only do so much.

id: 26064 - Text:  @dancer22273  she's got mental health issues and into drugs. Those programs no doubt have no drug policies. I'm not saying that to look down at her either. She's been sexually abused as a minor for years, the people looking down at this girl who was pimped out at 13 are horrible. She's clearly depressed. The ecstasy would be wrecking her serotonin to take it that frequently. It takes time to recover from and she's not. Her comedowns must be brutal. With the obstacles ahead of her even with help, I'd bet she's too depressed to do more than try to feel better even briefly. The addiction is destroying her. I can't imagine having the memories she must have haunting her from her teens and probably before.
