10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1111508 - Text:  @cookie22100  Try getting off of heroin or crack - It's extremely difficult because of how physical addiction works inside a human body. People don't choose to become addicts, they only choose to try out that first shot of heroin, or that first puff of crack, the rest is a trap of our biological mechanisms. There's no physical addiction in selling your own body for porn or prostitution. You can stop at any time without consequences.

id: 1111512 - Text: Wasabi Warrior i think you got it wrong. If theres a correlation between porn & suicide rates in men... its not because of porn that men kill themselves. Its because of loneliness & sadness, depression. Yeah depressed lonely men will happen to watch porn more. Or see a sex worker. Because it helps. Sex workers help a lot of men. Sex workers arent just there for sex all the time either. They are human warmth, touch, sometimes the only affection some men can get. Im sure it saves many men from killing themselves every year. Sex work is essential for mental health for lots of people. Cool for you if you dont need it but you cant speak for everybody else.

id: 1111522 - Text: Wasabi Warrior I don’t agree with porn nor do I think sex work is respectable, but you can still respect the person. But one thing I don’t understand about people like you is how do you claim you’re against porn, yet you bragged about having sex with so many women like that’s an achievement? Is your body count a measure of your worth? What’s the difference between you and her? She gets paid for it and you only get stds?

id: 1111538 - Text:  @Leandatastic  kudos to you for doing what you want. I’m finding it a little confusing why you are women shaming. Oh crap is it because you caught your husband watching porn 😬 I understand why you would become insecure and need to project your negativity on others now. I get it sweetie (Oh FYI take note on how sweetie is spelt, just in case you need to use it in the business you own) 😉

id: 1111555 - Text: Not true. Depends on the sex work. People are incredibly empathetic to prostitutes and addicts because they DON'T LIE about the world they operate in. Porn stars do. Porn stars lie about everything being hunky dory. The only difference between porn And prostitution... Is a camera. It's legalised prostitution. I don't care what you do, just don't lie about it. I have more respect for the porn stars who say how horrible the industry can be. It's rare to find a real interview by a porn star where they're honest. 2 of my cousins do porn. The shit they've told me... You'd shudder. Everything from stds, sex trafficking, not getting paid, dirty porn sets, rape via coersion... Harrowing

id: 1111691 - Text:  @hoperising7373  if she was smart she would not think that porn and stripping is a good career choice - just saying ...

id: 1111705 - Text: Why is she not in her clothes??? Does she walk around like this???? Did she just walk off the porn set??? Why do you allow this??

id: 1111796 - Text: Fuck Insta, I'm goin straight on PornHub. Thanks for her name. Couldn't find her just by searching for Sommer.

id: 1111808 - Text:  @KahleiaELoria  She's not trans. I just watched her porn. Sommer Isabella

id: 1111843 - Text:  @Ehlaar  porn is a white woman world. Her being black and old good luck.
