31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 39036 - Text: It’s in the Part 2 video. 😅

id: 39037 - Text: Just fyi, it’s most likely YouTube randomly deleting comments, as it often does for no explicable reason—not Mark. There’s plenty of comments visible on both this Part 1 and the Part 2 video questioning various aspects of her story as well as calling her a liar. As a rule, it’s got to be really over-the-top hateful comments for Mark to take any of his valuable time to delete them.

id: 39043 - Text: Oh yeah there’s videos of this girl that he interviewed that he was basically exploiting her with this other “group” she has since then passed away but yeah he’s not the best guy that everyone thinks Edit looked it up and her name was Amanda he has a playlist of her

id: 39055 - Text:  @Tryingtohelpnow  Do you know what the point of these videos are? I can't figure out the angle, although they are interesting...

id: 39069 - Text:  @Tryingtohelpnow  If he exploits people stop watching these videos. You’re only contributing to the very problem you’re pretending is there.

id: 39091 - Text: @noahalexander26  first off would you want something to be titled fucked up person mentally in the brain should be looked at by a professional or she is beautiful etc, ppl can see her story as it is. it's not a creepy thing to compliment someone. Especially someone who has gone through shit like she did. Mark takes the broken and hopes to shine a light on there darkness that they don't have to hide keep to themselves cause if there is one person that has gone through their ups and downs in life bet there's more. Probably someone out there looking for help. These videos are to help not destroy.

id: 39113 - Text: Really! This comment is sad. Can u think first b4 labeling: maybe I took this wrong let me analyze the totality of the video and not just that statement to get a more unbiased POV. Think about, was it his delivery that was poor or intent. Lastly, has someone ever said I’m their dream girl and if so was it just a genuine compliment and he wouldn’t think it would make her uncomfortable. I mean I can go on with examples that support ur POV isn’t fact and not saying mine is either but just bcuz it appears that way to u its irresponsible to say he was malicious bcuz there r many other ways he may have just stated how he feels. I’m a woman and I would say that statement is not far off she seems awesome inside and out

id: 39130 - Text:  @shayberry420  that’s something I’ve heard about. Is the exploitation due to him paying them an amount that is very small compared to who much money he will personally bring in from the video or does it go beyond that?

id: 39139 - Text: If that upsets you there was a comment on an older video with a young pregnant woman where he basically told her that yeah you can't be having the child as fucked up as your life is. He didn't use those exact words, but the intention was the same.

id: 39140 - Text: Yes It probably was sarcasm but what people don't realize is with people like her sarcasm can be damaging, and cause some internal suffering they constantly question themselves. Sarcasm can come off cruel for people who have gone through trauma. I can see for some it can come off creepy. Watching one of his videos yesterday I did question his motives. I would like to see more videos about the successes that have come out of doing these videos.
