10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1131828 - Text: disliked no porn

id: 1131859 - Text: Honestly to God, I wouldn't date any of the cast for any reason. A high value man is gonna see this FEMINISTS BS and walk away. You're not the one to build anything with because of your values. Your a ex porn star, with thousands of bodies, you don't even realize the word Bad B. Is for the not very smart people. Also if you were high value, you don't gotta say it . Another words your not a HVW. Your a Feminist who is single and will end up with a Simp . Not a HVM.

id: 1131862 - Text: I know she's been a pornstar but don't you just want to give her hug? SO sweet

id: 1131864 - Text: “How to become a high value woman” coming from a pornstar

id: 1131918 - Text:  @lavish_1717  why would i not support her? She is a fine pornstar and i love her doing her job. But that don’t mean i also would like her as a life partner. It’s not my kink. Just like most women wont date the fat gamer non shaved chubby at moms basement guy. People can be what they want but cant force other to like them for being it

id: 1131920 - Text:  @lavish_1717  if you're in porn then you're in porn. Is what it is. Men don't want to settle with someone who's been with so many people that she cant remember the number of partners shes had though. Its just not appealing

id: 1131922 - Text:  @lavish_1717  male weakness? Wheres that coming from? Oh i get it. You hate men because you've made bad decisions in life when it comes to partners. Shes not just being criticized for being in porn and having loads of sex with loads of different people. Shes being criticized for not wanting to bring anything to the relationship other then vanity

id: 1131924 - Text:  @lavish_1717  i dont watch her porn. Theres like 4 million attractive porn stars out there who dont have shit personalities that could be enjoyed instead

id: 1131933 - Text: what is with all the small dick energy in the comments. I genuinely thought their advice wasn't horrible. If we switch this around when looking for a man lol 1. He can't watch porn (since so many guys want to say don't date an ex porn star) 2. Had a body count of 5. (so bad at sex) 3. ALl the men in the comments are betas. haha

id: 1131937 - Text: How come pornstar can be a high value women or men 🤔...
