10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1132411 - Text: Who would marry a porn star, certainly not me.

id: 1132412 - Text: Lol. Porn stars will never be a trophy wife.

id: 1132420 - Text: The audacity! a porn star gives relationship advice 😂😂😂 What a clown. Sweetheart you are lucky to be pretty other than that not much to offer 🤷🏽‍♀️

id: 1132422 - Text: Oh yes... We living in a world when pornstar advice how to get a good husband and how to be a wife material... I am done

id: 1132435 - Text:  @LightForxes  Again, your claim lacks substance. You claim biological roles, but fail to give them substance. I have given the difference in women having the ability to give birth, while the man not. You claim different responsibilities, but fail to give substance. You were asked to give substance to it, and answer the question, but you are just being incredibly vague. Give me some examples. You proceed to argue men are (implied women are not) only valued and love by women and society by what value they provide society. Again incredibly vague, because not only is value a subjective term, it is also failing do give substance to why - if we pretend for a moment this is true, that women is not part of that equation in the same vein. I am not sure what an idiotic quote is gonna help in making this a fact. If women, children and dogs were loved unconditionally, there wouldn't be wife beaters, child molesters nor cruelty to animals. Your world sounds like you are making romantic assumptions, that are not true, which leads me to believe you are still a child or a young adult, that don't have any practical knowledge of how the world works. It is incredibly naive. You also seem to be speaking from a culture where the man is seen as the provider for the family, but most of the modern world do not live like that anymore. Women and men are both expected to contribute to society, and to the relationships on any given terms they agree upon. Women are also as responsible to provide, monetary and otherwise, lest you live in a culture where women are still expected to take care of the home, whether or not this is what she wants. And men are as expected to take part in the household; cleaning, raising kids, feeding them(lest it is breast feeding), changing diapers, take turns to attend the crying baby waking up at night etc etc. You try to argue that I am somehow clueless, but your whole world perception is not only incredibly ignorant and naive, but also based on that you don't actually have a clue. There is a person out there for everyone, stupid, fat, smart, slim, poor, rich, etc. This is not gender specific. There are also lonely people in all the categories. Again, you live in a dream world, where you think things being different is gender specific. It is not. You are merely coming off as someone who is playing victim of your gender, rather than who you are as an individual person. There are fat, ugly and stupid guys that has a girlfriend. Even some by the beauty standards, where you tend to think to yourself, that she could do better. Just like vice versa. But we only know the surface as distant observers. Now you get into the social constructs, of which I mentioned. It is a social construct that women are selling sex, and using their body for sexual objectification. Women are as interested in the attraction of a hot male body as vice versa. It has just been a man's world for so long, that these things are not equal, and as of yet, men are not objectifying themselves as much as women nor as a natural consequence not as objectified, but it is getting there. Men are starting to "sell" their body and looks as much as women(just like both sexes have people that do not want to). Instagram is filled with half naked males, but they seem to have at least an equal number of other males as followers. That being said, there is a number of women that follow other women on OnlyFans. Porn, OnlyFans, narcissism, virgin followers, idolisation, etc is increasing amongst women. This is not just men. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You act like beauty is one of women's only assets. This is not true, it is just true to you and your perception, but it is not shared. Your world view is completely based on your own subjective perception, which is fine, but you are trying to sell it as fact. It is not. You are talking "bitter truths", but all these are completely made up in your head. Women like men are born of value by a number of people surrounding them; parents, siblings, family, etc. But to society they have to earn it, it is not given. I am not sure why you think there is a difference here. Your world is fantasy, not reality.

id: 1132464 - Text: It’s ridiculous and delusional. How can a pornstar give advice on being a trophy wife. Newsflash: she’s not a wife!!!!!!

id: 1132473 - Text: How do you know the west is going to shit? A porn star gives advice on how to attract a high value man AND women buy it

id: 1132485 - Text: Style? lol no. I’d rather take a cute Amish girl over an ex porn star any day of the week lmao.

id: 1132486 - Text: A pornstar should not be talking about how to be a trophy wife😂

id: 1132487 - Text: Pornstar giving advice on how to be high value. Classic
