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id: 1132775 - Text: @Synn I asked if your concern for the youth was related to being married as a teen. Yeah, it can be taken as a jab at you, because you are basically getting married, while you both are incredibly young and hardly know anything, as no one does at that age. It is hardly the measure of success to marry at that age. You basically just borrowed my argument, saying it is a concern with the apps of Tinder, where easy access to sex is a problem. It is also a strength, because you can get to know different people, evolve as a person, before you settle down. Basically getting married at 19, means your and her experience is very limited. It has worked well for you, and I am happy it has, but that is either a lucky coincidence or you both were determined to make it work from early age. But yeah, society has changed. People don't adhere to the same standards as you did. You brought up a statistic that 80%(presumably Americans) are filing for divorce, which likely means across several age groups, thus not just related to the younger groups, that you feel concerns you. They are just adding more qualities to it, since they already fulfill the original quota; young and attractive. They are adding more to separate the trophy wives apart, thus focused on what quality you can add into it; well read, intellectual, conversationalist, and so on and so forth. It still means they qualify, which you rejected as true. You reject them as material simply because failed marriage, not married, and what not. I don't see anything wrong with suggesting you aspire to bring more to the table than being young and attractive. I didn't say you couldn't question his, but you can't make an argument that he can't have one, while in the same breath advocating your own. entitlement to voice your opinion, because those women did. Yeah, he was condescending, but so were you against those women first, and when he was it towards you, you disregard his opinion as a whiteknight. If you are gonna be disrespectful towards someone, expect someone to return in kind. Most people learn from their mistakes, so I reckon there is still things to discuss. Life is a constant school of learning for everyone, and we will still make mistakes, make us wiser and more experienced, and this will shape us. People will a straight road, rarely know very much. As you can say, you learn a book from your mistakes and a page from your success. Granted you need to reflect and amend them. Since the person in question, learned from her 8 month mistake as a very young woman, built a name for herself outside it, making a profit making a business based on 3 friends in a kitchen it seems like she is amending, trying to help other people as best as she can and know. Yes, men and women are different, but they also change with society. Women mimic men all the more since joining the job market, and in male dominated spheres, and vice versa. Since society is changing, where sex, inadultery, promiscuity, partner change is more frequent for both sexes so does the premise and context of their "breakdown". If we form a bond, both genders break, if it becomes broken time and time again. I'd even argue it is much worse for men than women, because women are more able to shut down their emotions in these instances and move on. Not all the time, it all depends. Casual sex by and large is shared by both sexes today. Yes, I reckon women are still more attached to giving themselves to men sexually than vice versa, but it is an ever changing thing. Yes, women by and large have it easier to get laid than men, thus can pick and choose, if they so desire. There is no correlation to your next part, that women shouldn't have a high body count for this reason. Women today are as sexually driven as men, but have it easier to get laid, as you say. The standard of a high body count applies to both sexes, if we remove societal constructs of old and move into a more modern society. Yes, there is still societal residue of men with a high body count is a stud, and a woman is a slut, but it is one of those unfortunate barriers that we are luckily trying to break in search of equality. If a high body count is unattractive it applies to men as well, as it equally shows lack of commitment and immaturity, or if not, then it is just an equal norm of having multiple partners, because the world is larger and women are no longer reliant on men to be making a living. It all depends on culture. I reckon in a capitalist society such as USA, money is seen as high value. Certain looks is also, and fitness. Most likely because there is a market for plastic surgery, and fitness regimes in a country full of obese and malnourished people, because the industry sees them as merely objects to indoctrinate to sell. But even across America it differs, I'd wager. It has always been this way that few men and women are the ones that are targeted. And it doesn't surprise me that 10% men are getting multiple offers constantly, while the rest is rejected. It all relates to it is easy to get laid for a woman, if she so desires, so she starts with being picky by a indoctrinated standard. But I like to think we are only talking about a relatively small segment, because needless to say, if only 10%-20% are preferred, a lot of women are gonna "settle", perhaps even knowing that these men are not gonna be partner material, but a trophy lay. In Denmark amongst the youth I see things completely different. Very beautiful women and well educated(most people in Denmark are highly educated because of the free educational system) throw themselves at men, and men can pick and choose even if they are completely average. There is no "a lot of money is attractive paradigm", but popularity and power can be something that works. But most of the "high values" of USA have no meaning here. Most get laid and get be either choosy or not. A friend of mine was a small chubby fellow, and he had more than 100 women in 2 years. I saw a few of them, and they were very beautiful. This was pre-Tinder, but something similar. A girl I know, simply chose to go on a date with a guy, because he had put "interested in marriage", in his tinder profile, as she was sick of being dumped. Beautiful and intelligent girl that is 2 months away from her bachelor degree. You may not think so, but a lot of men would likely feel that way. They are attractive to a lot of men, given your data of attractive women can pick and choose, they become desirable. They are making a lot of money. And by a certain standard have a lot of followers, thus popularity, even viewers such as yourself, even if it was just showing up on your feed. Some men will be deterred from some of it, but others do not mind. While you don't condone Lana's choice as a former sex worker, she is still the no. 1 on Pornhub, despite a plethora of very attractive women there in the list.

id: 1132778 - Text:  @janniknielsen9292  -We dated on and off for 2 years. I had enough time to see she had solid character and other traits, as well as being extremely attractive. We had enough experience to know we would be fine. Luck, maybe some... small amount though. 80% is among all age groups, would be much lower if you only accounted for older generation. Not a good environment to marry if you are a young man. -They are not just adding qualities. They are using the word in a strictly positive context, not in any derogatory way as it is defined, not even once in the video. -I reread the posts. I wasn't disrespectful first, simply replied in kind. -You are right about it being harder on men. Here's the thing though, men take months or even years to bond. They are not breaking bonds over and over, for the most part like women are. Women can bond after 1 sexual experience. When men bond, it's over time and studies suggest it can be much deeper, therefore harder on them. Once a woman's bonding ability has been ruined, they can sleep around without getting attached fairly easy. If you want this in a wife, then go for it. Most men wouldn't. -No, the standard has not changed. Men still don't want women who have slept around with a lot of men for a long term relationship. They will happily have sex with them, and some men may 'settle' if that man don't have many options. If you ask any man to pick from two girls to marry, they are identically the same, except one has slept with 2 guys, the other with 30... who do you think they would pick? -Men who have slept with many girls is attractive to other girls. It shows he has game, is exciting, probably handsome, fit, etc. A girl who sleeps around does not impress guys. Even ugly chicks can get laid daily. They don't have to be high quality to get laid, they just have to exist. It's not comparable. A high value girl, and what is becoming extremely rare, is an attractive girl who HASN't slept around. This in my opinion, and probably more men than will admit, is a true TROPHY wife (in the context of the video). These girls in this video can never be that. -I never mentioned anything about what I condone or don't. She can go be no1 on pornhub all she wants, good for her. I'm just dispelling her delusion that a pornstar/convict would make for a decent wife, much less great wife or 'Trophy' wife. Not just no, but hell nah. If Jeffrey Dahmer made a video on being a trophy husband, I would probably make a few comments there as well.

id: 1132820 - Text:  @MinimalLovin  Lots of former porn stars get married. Both male and female performers. It's a job, and there is a demand for it, since the porn industry is pretty huge in USA. It would be pretty hypocritical if one can wank to it, but not marry it or worse yet judge it harshly. I am not sure what you mean she brings nothing to the table for a men(man), but fear not, I am sure she has no interest in you. It also seems like you are not really fond of any woman, since you feel they are not taught anything of use to you, and as such I am sure you have a swell time banging men in the keister. Or maybe you are just a virgin and women are not really into you, because of your rotten attitude.

id: 1132824 - Text:  @yourlefthairytoe1460  ex porn star/ex con automatically excludes you from high value category. Lol. If you want to be a trophy wife to a high value man, find a high value man and do what he says. Don’t listen to these bimbos.

id: 1132856 - Text: u cant be a trofy wife if wereba pornstar

id: 1132864 - Text: Cant you just make a new porn

id: 1132868 - Text: Regresa al porno mejor 😑

id: 1132938 - Text: Lana needs to talk about mike leaving her.. I mean would you really wife up a porn star? EveryGuy:...NOPE

id: 1132955 - Text: Have you met every guy on this planet ?maybe another pornstar would or maybe someone who just falls in love with her.

id: 1132974 - Text: Lmao can you imagine being on Blacked and saying “ I’m a trophy wife “ 😂😂 IF YOU DID PORN FOR A LIVING YOU ARE NOT A TROPHY WIFE
