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id: 26322 - Text: This isn’t a prostitute. This is a TRAFFICKED CHILD. Wtf is wrong with these exploitative video platforms and this BS- she was an enslaved CHILD- and now if she’s a trafficking survivor who is TRAPPED in a traumatized survival state. And deserves help and deserves it. This is NOT a prostitution/ It is Fing HUMAN TRAFFICKING. She THINKS that her pimp is NOT a pimp and is her actual BF. She THINKS he cares. He is taking HER MONEY for the harm she is enduring to survive. If she’s high AF, on molly, she CAN’T even consent to any sex acts. End of story. Add to it that it is DUDE interviewing her and this is just disgusting and unethical AF. This woman is NOT a criminal OR a prostitute, she is a VICTIM. And she’s been brainwashed and broken to pieces. Those of us who’ve survived and are out here rescuing these sisters and others out the life and helping the heal and realize they were NEVER “hos”, NEVER “hookers”, NEVER prostitutes- That they are victimized, traumatized human beings work very hard against this kind of abuse and humiliation of survivors. Damn I’m so sick of this horrible stuff. “Well, thank you, I wish you the best”… Jackass, you had an opportunity to get her the help she needs and likely the god damn money to do it too. F this BS. I’m a human trafficking survivor and commercial sexual exploitation survivor- This is very exploitative of this woman/girl and I’m enraged at this damn channel/these people. You lack any ethics or decency at ALL.

id: 26362 - Text: To me, it was interesting that Amber said she had been arrested "plenty of times" and that she been a sex worker since she was 13 years old. It begs the question, how many of those arrests were while she was still a minor? Why wasn't social services involved? When the parents fail their children, like in Amber's situation, shouldn't it fall on society to make sure the children are safe and get the nuture they require? If society also fails these children, then we end of with a lot of lost adults like Amber. What has happened to our society to get us to the point where we no longer care even about the children? It's sad.

id: 26408 - Text: Do you let your wife have sex with 8 guys every night?

id: 26420 - Text: I cant call it the job,work whatever its just suffering for the money, its so absurd. I also tryed it ones when I was younger 25. I thing. It was more about not being alone and curiosity, like doing something which seemed to me weird and kinda wrong, but personal need to get knowladge. Sex for money, pay for sex and yeah its wrong its producing nothing healthy to be honnest. Zero enjoyment I like girls a lot, but I realy dont want to own some, its humanbeing not a thing. Buy me, sounds horribly its disrespectful.

id: 26497 - Text: Not all problems, but it definitely takes the women out of the hands of pimps and child sex traffickers, and gets them into brothels where there is drug testing, STD screening, and legal protections. Not perfect, but much much better.

id: 26585 - Text: For those of us who enjoy buying sex,just think for a moment the immense pain and humiliation that we bring into the lives of these young women.


id: 26648 - Text: Somehow calling them prostitutes implies it is a conscious choice they are making to do this. Amber didn't want to get pulled into the sex trafficking business. She also stated she did not like to do it. She has had a hard life and has not been taught about what she could be doing instead. She is still a victim even if she does not have someone who is physically forcing her.

id: 26696 - Text: How low must your self esteem be to have sex with random men and give all the money from that to some remarkably unimpressive guy?

id: 26701 - Text: I doubt you’ll see this, Mark, but if you do, ‘sex worker’ is more respectful and modern than ‘prostitute’ or ‘hooker.’
