10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1152792 - Text: I’m I wrong for saying I would pay for her services 😂 but on a serious not why don’t these girls get into only fans are th porn industry way safer and make more money

id: 1152920 - Text: the beginning was like a porn...calm down creeper

id: 1153899 - Text: she has a point when she says about value of life in the western culture, everybody[almost] are dumb down from the tv,social,games,porn,bad air,food,water,shopping zombies, alot, govt./ banking corruption, nothing is sacred anymore. it does depend on the individual, but its a society of lost souls. When a human walks right by or over another,[the homeless] society needs a severe re-vamp,sad,sad,sad situation. Apologize for the long winded comment, Love and Peace to all.

id: 1154160 - Text: the attention she's used to getting... she thinks she deserves. and what may be shocking to YOU is that the attention is MORE addictive than the crack she's using. there will be hell to pay when her looks fade and the resulting attention from looks fade... while the addiction to crack rages on. see the average porn girl for other examples. she's likely getting that attention from Latino & Black men (pretty white girl syndrome) where the average white guy looks at her as a crack-addicted street walker, i.e., nothing special.

id: 1154857 - Text:  @Goey00  If she had said I'm a petite Asian and my demand is high would that have made privilege applicable to you? Or is it just because she's white and you've let the MEDIA manipulate you. I would hope any female on here would have it in them to say my premium should be HIGHER. Her arms are nice and toned so I'm sure she was really attractive before all the trauma. There is a sect of Japanese porn that FETISHIZES overweight, white women. It's not a compliment to have your skin tone sexualized, what men will marry is not what they want to have SEX with, it's usually different from themselves, I would guess the majority of her clientele are NOT white.

id: 1155746 - Text: You look and sound like you would fit perfectly in the porn industry or maybe some glory hole work. Plenty of monies in those industries.

id: 1156121 - Text: STOP THIS BULL SHIT Gutter stinks, IT IS NOT GUTTERS PROBLEM, but it stinks. However in our case it is our choice, remember my body my choice. East money flow can never be ruled out, world oldest profession for a reason. NO INVESTMENT ONLY OUTCOME. Easy life, easy money AND easy damaged goods. SOMEHOW, how come prostitutes, sex workers, escorts, drud addicts, criminals, pornstars, onlyfans celebs, murderers, serial killers, psychopaths etc have same story. PS u how how difficult is it for outlaw psycho killer to kill.

id: 1156319 - Text: its better to do porn than a street worker

id: 1156431 - Text: It's part self-soothing, but a large part of embodying the pornified codes to the max. She is severely dissociated (anyone prostituting from this young is) so it's kind of like she views herself at all times from the perspective of an outside male gaze. I'm a survivor (16-23 in the sex industry) and I help women get out and understand themselves, from a trauma informed perspective. I can't STAND how the interviewer constantly refers to ''sex work'' when it's so clearly exploitation and lack of choice.

id: 1158254 - Text: It's the media...TV, internet, social media, they push porn-very available now. Porn infiltrated TV ads, women basically stretching out over's in everything now, prime time. The people behind all of this know what they are doing, they know psychology well and how to manipulate the culture. Repetitive content...what you are exposed to, day in/day out...visual or auditory, safe or unsafe...PROGRAMS all of us. Too much "screen time" at the root of it all. This is why they have cheap TVs, free cell phones with the ISP contract...WiFi everywhere you go... Steve Jobs wouldnt let his kids play with an iPad. He knew what the result would be!
