10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1188773 - Text: You are depicting an abuse of women as sexy. These are broken women who allow themselves to be abused to satisfy some mental need. Nothing sexy about porn or prostitution. Where were the pimps?

id: 1189123 - Text: Here's my question... I pick up a woman, take her to a motel, and pay her to have sex with me. That's prostitution and it's illegal. I pick up the same woman, take her to the same motel, pay her to have sex with me, but this time I record it and post it to my website. That's pornography, and it's legal. What's the difference between a prostitute and a porn star? They're both getting paid to have sex, but one is illegal and the other is legal.

id: 1189408 - Text: America land of hypocrits and contradictions. Porn industry huge in america is prostitution but for some reason it's legal, huegh hefner playboy mansion essentially a brothel ring. Donald trump paid stormy daniels for sex and im geussing mostly all polaticians pay for sex

id: 1189636 - Text: good for you! Thats different from the guys who just blame women & become incels, "learning" everything from porn. I can say as a girl there ain't nothing wrong with learning from the pros in their platform heels! she might show u how to make a woman cum, Cuz if u call urself "john the pussy chaser" u gotta know that buddy.

id: 1189703 - Text: While I'm all for women using their assets however they wish, but being used like this isn't a good life, much like porn. When you've wasted your best years fucking for money, then what? Not many men want to pay 4k a night to bang an overly used 40+ women and the same goes for relationships and marriage.

id: 1189738 - Text: Why isn’t prostitution legal in more states? I think this would be beneficial instead of porn addiction. Sure there are downsides and concerns but there is Human interaction and touch. That in itself is priceless

id: 1189847 - Text:  @visaman  Yer I understand fetishes as I have them, at least I do in the real of porn, but even so I went to a dominatrix once and I would compare the experience to going to the dentist. Clinical and procedural and very much on a timer. I wasn't "present" at all. I was a car getting a service. I didn't hate it but I didn't enjoy it either. Porn is very different to reality and isn't to be a measure of someone's true sexuality.

id: 1189853 - Text: In North America prostitution is looked so badly is like sex was a taboo wich is very weird considering USA being the capital of pornography. Idk why its illegal here. And in Canada is illegal in every province too.

id: 1190086 - Text:  @night6724  why does anybody care about the well being of another human being? Why do you even asume everyone in support of legalization is a straight Male? Why do you care? Here is what I think why many of them care (because that is my reasoning as a straight male) because they wish for fewer people to suffer and they find the arguements and data provided by pro legalization for safer working environments for sex workers persuasive. Do you have any basis for your assumption that prostitutes have mental issues? I can't say anything about the person I referred to because she is not my friend and that was our only encounter. She may very well regret her decision at this point I would not know. But I know of least this one person who at one point not only choice on her own to ho into prostitution but really enjoyed it. But ofcourse when the foundation of your arguement is that no sex worker enjoys sex work and if they do it's only because they have mental issues because otherwise nobody would go into sex work you are building a circular logic reinforcing your believe. Unfortunately I don't know any resources on the subject and don't have time to research it at the moment, maybe you do? But just by coincidence a couple of years ago I came across a paper that examined the same claim levered against porn actresses, that concluded that the assumption is not supported by their data. "Pornography actresses: an assessment of the damaged goods hypothesis." I unfortunately don't have time at the moment to read the Forbes article and the other article you provided. I'll try to do so in the next couple of days. But the BBC video you shared doesn't say anything about how legalization affect sex workers and human trafficking. It does make a very convincing case that trafficing and forcing people into prostitution is horrible. But people arguing here seem to agree on that. The disagreement is on what is the best way to go to prevent and fight trafficing and forced prostitution. Ohh and btw. The UK version of "legalization" is not what people are arguing for (at least based on what I learned from wikipedia. In the UK the law give some leeway so that prostitution is possible without the prostitute or customer being criminal but it still forces it very much into hiding and into the shades. No where comparable to the Netherlands or Germany where prostitutes have a claim for social security, health insurance, etc.

id: 1190093 - Text:  @night6724   Dboi2001  honestly reading your last paragraph I feel like you are just making up thing now. Most prostitutes dont live past 30? That's just ridiculous if the numbers of them making it nost past 30 where anywhere close to 50% this statistic would be all over the place in the anti legalization documents. That probably would be the worst life expectancy of any population anywhere on earth. So if legalization would actually decrease human trafficing and improve conditions for sexworkers you would still oppose it because it's objectifying? I thing your priorities are out of balance. And you are at the same time imposing your own values on women who choose sex work because it's there preferred occupation like the women I shared the video of early. Forcing them to either do it illegally taking higher risks or not do their preferred job. Because YOU thing it's objectifying, not them. Why do you think there is more sexual harassment and domestic abuse are more common in Europe than the states or that sexualizing females is more accepted? I really doubt the difference is anywhere as big as you think. I have family in the states, my mom grew up in the states and aside from multiple trips I lived and traveled for 3 month in the USA so I have quite a bit of first hand experience. For one America has definitely the biggest sex industries in the world. going by absolut numbers, with porn, sextoys etc. There is no doubt. It's a major export product but sex sells in the states to. Yes Europeans most often are more comfortable talking about and displaying sex they often don't share the prudish culture that is very common in the states. Bit that is not the same as sexualizing females. You want to ses sexualist females whatch advertisment or go through the magazine covers in the a new store. I doubt they are much different in the states. That's a separate problem which definitely also exists in Europe. But significantly more than in the states? I highly doubt it.
