10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1196262 - Text: Drug Addicted Pornstar Get some morals. You have no soul. You must be a Jew.

id: 1196268 - Text: +Drug Addicted Pornstar sin is matter how nice we are...we are not supose to be leading people astray because of our sick twisted ideas of what WE think is okay..........he will have to explain this to god when he passes away.....not me....we all need to recheck ourseoves in what we do..........

id: 1196272 - Text: Drug Addicted Pornstar 1,90cm

id: 1196273 - Text: Drug Addicted Pornstar and a parasite too

id: 1196439 - Text: The pornstars did. Before they lost everything like Jenna Jamieson.

id: 1196445 - Text: difficultbastard That's precisely the point, the sexual revolution of the 1960's was basically a communist social movement to change the culture into anarchistic hedonism so that large government could take over. They used freedom as a license. You still did not address ANYTHING about the racial aspect.  Why is that?  "Probably" be discrete? It seems that, you want it to be this way but kids get there hands on it DESPITE how good the parents are.  Look at the culture today, I know kids that know what a blowjob is, and they are in middle school. Children, use technology to retrieve porn at younger and younger ages.  Pretty soon, they will probably want to teach the children HOW to have sex in the class rooms. Like those Porno parody's and such.  All of the men are going to be for it obviously. Duhh.   

id: 1196508 - Text: Andre Choquette that is true, making a few amateur group sex porn flicks in your early twenties doesn't mean you want to do it for life.  But the fact remains different people have different motivations and some women like sex and the pornstar lifestyle enough to live it for at least a few years.

id: 1196560 - Text: miley cyrus and her little sister noah cyrus now in the music industry and the movie acting industry and on pornhub.

id: 1196612 - Text: "So real" more like so gross. Yeah this is how some people live their lives but this is basically trauma porn. Mark has moved from "giving a voice" to cutting himself a fat check from all those new paying subs and he has over a million subs here so if you think he doesn't make money from Youtube then you're crazy.

id: 1196689 - Text: You need to stop capitalizing off of these people's lives. Not only is it dangerous for you, the exploitation porn derived from this doesn't neccessarily help their situation. I understand the goal, but I don't like seeing numerous young women, especially young Black women, being exploited while they are already in a compromised position
