10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1199228 - Text: The whole thing with porn addiction is that a man can't even get aroused or complete a sexual act with a real, live woman: he can only 'do it' with porn. Other 'girlfriends' of Hefner have said that even with a bed full of girls, he would turn away from them and... let's say 'use porn' to 'please himself.' And forget about being able to have an adult relationship with a woman as a human being. There's nothing actually 'adult' about 'adult videos,' etc. A real adult man can have a relationship with a real woman; he doesn't have to escape into fantasies on film because he can't cope with a real woman. What a pathetic waste of human skin Hefner was (is? Is he dead yet?)

id: 1199244 - Text: Matt is not glamorizing her because he is not attracted to her....Matt is so weird with these porn/stripper/sex worker videos

id: 1199338 - Text: I liked Amanda's interview and it would be interesting to hear from other women who modelled. The fact she wanted to be a stripper/porn star from a young age is actually not that shocking because kids are exposed to the glamourous looking side of that culture through music videos back then. She was honest and raw and that was a proud moment of her life and why not be proud of that?

id: 1199340 - Text: ​ @user-pi9ri1bh1h why would your sister wanna be a pornstar at age 8? Let's be honest that's weird..

id: 1199341 - Text: ​ @user-pi9ri1bh1h why would your sister wanna be a pornstar at age 8? Let's be honest that's weird..

id: 1199344 - Text: Because it’s nothing to be REALLY proud of to get the attention just from a very old man and his sick environment, attention of the world of porn, the sexual and emotional abuse of very young girls they do plus making all the money out of them…!! Nobody there (and he at last!) gives anything about this women, their real wellbeing, education or coming forward in life - he and his universe use them and throw them away like trash! A girl who only has her good looking as a reason for her self-confidence is very poor, she is a welcome victim for all the abusers - because in real she only wants true love!! I know what I’m talking about… But this beautiful and often very smart young girls should have other terms in life, MUCH MORE than beeing a tool for an old dying man!!! Or a abusing sick porn industry or a also despicable and abusing model business… They deserve so much better and more!! God- isn’t it sad that being a playboy bunny was her first goal?!? Beauty goes - that’s a fact and then? Is there life over only because they are not even 20 and pretty enough for the playboy?! If you really think about it, you must cry…😪

id: 1199357 - Text: Did this chic take a breath the whole interview?? Lol.. sad that at 8 she wanted to be a stripper and porn star!! Your glory days was having sex with the pump of all time.. hope her daughter has better goals

id: 1199406 - Text: Wow. Poor girl needs to get the help she needs. She sounds totally unhinged. She calls her daughter "Baby Bunny", which I pray is not a baby version of her as a "playboy bunny". Wanted to be a porn star and stripper? Wow. I hope she gets the help she needs. She sounds totally unhinged. Then she starts naming names and airing ppl's dirty laundry? And says "sorry if I'm blowing up your spot... hope you were honest with your husband" and laughs about possibly embarrassing (or contributing to the breakup of) this couple on YouTube. Wow. This is an interesting type of person for sure.

id: 1199412 - Text: And no one asked why she was looking at Playboy at 8 and wanted to be a stripper, porn star, playmate at 11….

id: 1199422 - Text: Wondering if she was sexually abused as a young girl as it's extremely unnatural for an 8 year old to aspire to be a stripper. I worked as a school counselor in Las Vegas, NV and it wasn't uncommon to have young girls dressed in inappropriate sexualized clothing as young as elementary school. The parents (if they were still around) either worked in the sex industry or they were exposed to porn, or worse, they were sexually used at a young age. Her entire identity seems to be validated by how much attention she received from men sexualizing her. I wonder what she's exposing her child to if she doesn't seem to be bothered by the topics that she seems to so proud of & relish. Sigh...the cycle repeats itself over and over.
