10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 45522 - Text: Well that just ruined porn for me

id: 45524 - Text: My parents ran a foster home for the longest time and I've seen a lot of girls that lived at my house that had similar stories to hers (without the pornography), the girls that stayed with us were very lucky to have a loving household to stay with after experiencing such horror stories. My heart goes out to anyone that has had to suffer through these awful situations. <3

id: 45528 - Text: I feel bad for her because of her history but she is carrying on the legacy of abuse. Her kids do not benefit from her being a porn star and her so called husband is pimping her out. Her career will not last long and what will she be left with? I can’t imagine pornstars contributing to any retirement plan with a match. She still has time to get her life squared away and remove toxic people from her life but I doubt she will. It is sad because she has a good spirit.

id: 45544 - Text: Just a quick question, is the interviewer is on drugs? I saw few videos and he kept repeating what the person has already told him. I ran away when i was 16, when did you ran away? Saw it in other videos as well. Apart from that, this video depicts that someone's work doesn't define who they really are. She might have been all together a different person if her mom stood by herself. America is a sick country, and plenty of cases like these. I have heard diseases which are not even known in my country or considered as a symptom. I hope people become more responsible even if they are doing foster. Porn, sex is still a taboo for mens. Womens need respect wheather young or old, fat or thin, balck or white.

id: 45545 - Text: So tragic. Abused by her parents, husband & now self. What a waste of life. Porn is evil.

id: 45567 - Text: So is she on pornhub?

id: 45572 - Text: I’m so glad that she has taken back her power with her sexuality. Although unconventional, she has controlled her connection to her body though porn and has made it a more positive place.

id: 45590 - Text: Such an incredible series. Sad but empowering. I cry every time. I'll never look at porn the same way again.

id: 45593 - Text: She seems like a nice person but it's surprising how many girls are involved in porn that seem sweet

id: 45596 - Text: I just want to hug her 😭 So many horrible people in this world… But I can’t believe that she got out of the worst life and give her kids a good, non-broken home, and then she became a porn actress. My God… Her poor children..
