31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 40274 - Text: yeah i've picked up on some very close-minded things that he's let slip here and there on this channel too, the title to this video is strange too. her story is incredible and she's so bright and resilient but surely he of all people shouldn't be feeding into the 'beautiful and broken' stereotype when this is all about humanizing the interviewees.

id: 40281 - Text:  @shrimpfist maybe but he said it multiple times even after she politely laughed it off though it appeared like she was uncomfortable. And then the title he used for the video… idk, maybe.

id: 40308 - Text: Yes, this is Mark's MO. He is attracted himself and gave that away. Not a good thing to say to a young lady who should not be told such a thing. Very brave young person telling her story. We all wish her well. Thanks for calling Mark out on these statements. I have heard them before from his videos.

id: 40331 - Text: ​ @zeitgeistlife44  Yeah, I'm really questioning the integrity of these videos and channels like these. I think I may unsubscribe. They seem like they have good intentions but when you get down to it, the creators are really profiting off of people's pain and trauma. Is it really helping people by talking about their trauma and posting it to the internet for millions to see and judge and is it just further perpetuating victim mentality? That's something I'm trying to figure out. In my past, all the times I have told my trauma to someone they always looked at me less than or used it against me so you would never catch me on these interviews but if it helps someone else then more power to them.

id: 40334 - Text:  @LoveDeluxe89 I understand and wish he would be more professional and less “worldly” about important issues. There are things i’ve heard him say and just roll my eyes. At 56 i’ve earned it. lol. No one can be in that persons mind and heart so there are definitely some boundaries he should be keeping. It’s like he’s fascinated by all this “dysfunction” and it makes him seem creepy unless he genuinely cares and is just trying to be light hearted. I enjoy these videos and try to look beyond his issues. 😂

id: 40431 - Text:  @chicanapunkLA  He/she is one of Mark’s favorites. There’s plenty of Rebecca videos on his channel.

id: 40511 - Text: I think this is the first SWU interview I won't finish watching. I was 19 minutes in and had to pause the video; there's just something about her that repels me.

id: 40563 - Text:  @jaimelovemac88  She is attracted to darkness, but the flashing lights attracted her but also stripping was never considered dark to her. Making a lot of quick cash but the bathing suit? What about stripper shoes or was she in beach flip flops? The girls would have loaned her something but also usually those clubs have a store nearby with stripper clothes or they sell them directly there in the backrooms. I know this from several videos/docuseries of L.A stripper life here on Youtube.

id: 40575 - Text:  @LoveDeluxe89 Yeah, he’s weird with like the good looking prostitutes, I’ve seen hints of racial bias too. Like this videos description, he wouldn’t say beautiful to other races like this. Like he’ll be super empathetic with other white dudes or young white girls, the rest he’s like meh.

id: 40601 - Text:  @DeathSpellXVI that’s not true one of the most flirtatious I have ever seen him during an interview was with a black sex worker I forget her name wish I could tell you so you could search it up but everyone was commenting how disturbed they were that he was flirting with her the whole time. He’s not racist at all. He didn’t even flirt with this girl in this video at all .
