10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1217714 - Text: It’s interesting that everyone’s main takeaway is that this was all her choice and she wasn’t influenced but she literally admits in the beginning the porn magazines messed up her mind as a teenager. No 15 year old should be fantasizing about being peed on because of a magazine. All this shows is proof of how fucked up porn can be. Glad she’s happy though.

id: 1217776 - Text: Ovako sam ja pričao kako sam karao ribe kad sam bio student. Pornićarka..

id: 1217801 - Text: who keeps these hoes in bidnezz??? Porn is free...lmao

id: 1217889 - Text: She IS cool. But ...nudists are usually not this overt. There is NOTHING WRONG here with this lady but Nudists tend to stay away from modeling and swinging groups. A few don t ..but it is very hard to keep the line defining between NUDISTS and PORN intact. This woman...while THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT SHE IS DOING...she did blur that fragile line a little more. I wish that she could have just come out and said she was a NUDIST and left it at that.

id: 1218192 - Text: So she was exposed to nasty porn since she was a little kid. You can’t fool kids, even in a stable family, even if you were never molested - being exposed to porn will turn you into - that. Lesson learned. “No impact” my ass. Her nails, and every time they make a noise when she talks. 🤮

id: 1218546 - Text: A bit of a boring exhibitionist. And that bull....about looking at her father's porn magazines and just wishing she was in them.... because....erm.... because of all the weird stuff they were doing there....?? Huh? We are meant to just swallow that story and reasoning?? She's only there to try and get in the movies etc.... because she feels that she should be...

id: 1218605 - Text: Imagine your only goal in life is to be in porn/swinger? No other talents just showing your body.💀

id: 1219107 - Text: In addition to Porn Magazines, there a many interesting books. One of them is Bible. I would recommend to open that and read. I don't think that God likes webcaming, swinging, etc... I hope you will be good.

id: 1219427 - Text: It’s giving middle class pimping or in the least porn actress vibes and she’s not being 💯 but it’s okay cause I don’t think she’s exactly unhappy either

id: 1219798 - Text: She was pretty short about her family. I doubt she's aware of the childhood trauma she received when seeing her father's porn magazines. You don't look at or leave hardcore porn magazines lying around if you have children. It hurts them, and children should not want to be in them...@1:29
