10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 45597 - Text: So porn has never hurt anyone, huh? Notice how every single prostitute and female porn star have been raped and molested? Enjoy Pornhub now.

id: 45602 - Text: She is barely a pornstar.she may do a scene here and there....but she ain't no "upper crust" pornstar.....I never heard of her.and I've been in the business for 20 yrs. Clickbait video!

id: 45606 - Text: The title says "Porn Actress" not pornstar.. Moron

id: 45610 - Text: It's very common for people who were molested as kids to be hypersexual which to them makes sense to work in the porn industry, its actually the reason I believe more gay men were molested than we care to admit, thata why pride parades went from holding hands to full blown BTSM in public

id: 45620 - Text: She also deserve better life than a porn life. She is in so much pain. Which husband or a man who is truly in love with his woman will enjoy watching her having srx with others??! Such a screwed a$$ society we are creating by excusing such acts. Was expecting you to ask her if she has other alternatives other plans in life besides porn. And it is obvious porn isnt what she really enjoys. The pleasure she get out of it is a subtitute to her pain. Shes still young and pls follow up with her and help her get to a better place in life, so that she can be a role model to others. This will heal her slowly but surely🙏❤ Bless You young lady🌹🌈

id: 45638 - Text: I realize that this woman had a horrific childhood and that her mother never really loved and nurtured her and; therefore, she is still subconsciously longing to be loved. Then the system failed her as well. The thing is, it's a shame that there wasn't just one person like a therapist that could have helped her to see herself and develop herself as an authentic and independent woman. She has never been a drug or alcohol user which means she does know how to take care of herself and she has not stunted her own capacity for mental and emotional growth by self-medicating with these substances. As far as the porn and overly active sex life, that is her self-medication and if she could ever truly find someone (preferably a woman) that could help her build her confidence and self-esteem she would be able to find her own sense of individuality and grow within herself. From there she could then uncover other talents that she has that could help her to not only live a better life but experience a more fulfilling one for herself. Her husband definitely is NOT doing that for her.

id: 45667 - Text: Her husband let her do porn disgusting

id: 45678 - Text: i see a lot of comments here praising this woman you'd think she was Mother Theresa! i understand she was mistreated as a child but there is probably thousands of kids who were also mistreated and didn't end up doing porn and/or alcohol/drugs. She also doesn't seem to dislike being a porn star, she seems to really enjoy it. This is exactly what is wrong with this world, we live in a world where we celebrate last place with an award, we roll a red carpet for mediocre effort, we encourage obesity and praise this type of stuff. The message that I see in this video is her telling other girls that's it's ok because you can always turn to porn! she could've said, "if i had it any other way i would've never been a porn star" or "i don't recommend any girl to pursue this career". People in North America especially really need to travel to other countries to see how the other 90% of live. i've seen orphan toddlers working hard all day shinning shoes, picking up garbage, THAT IS HEROIC! that breaks my heart!

id: 45680 - Text: I really love her energy it’s just so contagious! After all she’s been through she’s a happy gal an I love that. She pulled thru and now is happy in what she’s doing. I’ve never like porn, never liked saying it, just feels wrong. but after how she explained how safe it was and very welcoming it defiantly changed how I see it. Still ain’t gonna watch it. Very Proud of of Luna for doing what she loves!

id: 45688 - Text: So gorgeous and nice girl and so a tragic fate. Porn and prostitution clients should get out of law due to the harm caused to a workers. She looks like young Vanessa Paradi, she should be real model and actress if not getting through tough stuff
