10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1222907 - Text: She equates religious people condemning porn as them not teaching their children about sex or their bodies? Most religious people see sex as something life giving, and sacred: a gift that has a physical purpose and design but also a deeper one, and that it is created and designed by God for humans to enjoy within a certain context., But like all things, there’s a right and a wrong way to use the gifts of God in this life. You can speak words of beauty and life and words of blasphemy and perversion...., you can eat well and eating can be healthy, enjoyable and obviously beneficial or you can eat gluttonously and greedily, causing your body harm. , you can sleep to your body’s rest and health or you can be a lazy sloth, and so on and so forth...and the same goes for sex. Just because someone with a faith or a set of beliefs in God doesn’t agree with porn and condemns its effects on the morality of doesn’t mean they hate sex, that’s a very ignorant thing to believe. Sex is something profoundly sacred for many religions and faiths. they just have a completely different criteria...

id: 1222954 - Text: Why do you guys have such a backward mentality and stigma about porn?

id: 1222988 - Text: EVERY FAMILY GUY IN THE FUCKING WORLD CONSUMES PORN. If you are trying to critique porn industry, do it in the right terms, or you end up being a hypocrite.

id: 1222991 - Text: She may feel empowered with her sexuality and her body. But I hope she saves her money to buy the American dream a paid off home with all the she is putting out. She will need to take care of her parents (time flies). 26 years old is getting old in this industry. Look at the lives of older Porn stars and the wreckage of the past unfold. Did they end up functional Mommies? In a white picket fence home? Play your cards right so at 50+ with no tattoos and chilling in your paid off home with Grandchildren. Planning your next Vacation. Time goes fast think strategic.

id: 1222996 - Text: I would too. But a half naked woman produces more views. Im pretty sure she did not arrive to the interview like that. Other woman are half-naked in his interviews as well, especially porn actresses.

id: 1223005 - Text: And there are people here who are convinced she's fine. They always have some sort of trauma that can be linked to going into this kind of work. And they always claim it was their choice and they're happy with it but deep down they're hurt and this is the result. Another one to watch is 'After porn ends'. It really gives you perspective.

id: 1223028 - Text: The dumbest one I’ve seen laughing because can’t even answer a question. You don’t need to be a porn star to know about your body.

id: 1223038 - Text: What’s her porn name tho?! Lol

id: 1223047 - Text: Generally goes by Andi rye but sometimes zoe sparx. She is not the zoe porn star that died that's another girl.

id: 1223069 - Text: To each their own, but the porn industry is obviously not a healthy environment. If people claim it is, they are probably in denial. I'm all for legalizing prostitution etc, but we can't be naive and think that those vocations aren't problematic.
