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id: 1223936 - Text:  @jenniferc5058  You claimed I have a disgusting viewpoint and said you won't bother to 'reason' with me. You even attack others because I agree with them. You are the ultimate hypocrite because you yourself can't be reasoned with. The only opinion I expressed on this video is that the porno industry is full of blatant dangers to actors and actresses and does little to nothing to help the people it damages. If Zoe wants to pursue a porn acting career, then that is her choice and freedom to do so. (and ultimately she will have to deal with any negative effects of the job. Cause and effect) You can't even explain to me how I am incorrect or how that is a disgusting viewpoint or offer anything helpful to defend your own viewpoint. So yes. You are a hypocritical LIBTARD progressive and awful at debate. Go and pearl-clutch somewhere else or just keep screaming "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." I am open to hearing rational arguments and opposing viewpoints as long as you ACTUALLY ARGUE YOUR OWN CASE. But no, you can't and thus you lose Jennifer. The adults are talking now so piss off.

id: 1223938 - Text: Jennifer Kathe I'm not sure how Beans MacTavish is being misogynistic. If that were so, he would support her doing porn. That the most misogynistic thing he could do. Anyway, we all clearly dont agree. I just wish you would admit that you just don't know about the harm the industry can do. You don't know.

id: 1223939 - Text:  @jenniferc5058  My arguments about the porn industry being dangerous are rational, true, and I can cite mountains of evidence. You aren't even willing to debate or demonstrate an ability to defend your own viewpoint. I detect in you a triggered feminist with a low IQ. I'm done discussing anything with you as you are clearly entrenched in your own worldview and can't even fathom different opinions.

id: 1223956 - Text: Of course it is. Do you think anyone would want such a horrible job for the "fun" of it? She is bound by a legal contract so she can't say too much. But just look at ex porn star interviews.

id: 1223958 - Text: Kimberly Olson only thing real about porn is the actual Intercourse..

id: 1223982 - Text: @L L I'm not particularly conservative but having two fists up your bottom, being pissed on and having sex for money are perhaps not great ways to build one's self-esteem, and her answer for the morality of Porn work is riddled with contradiction and holes, this shows that she doesn't have an understanding of what she's talking about

id: 1223989 - Text: @L L i appreciate you having a real conversation and openly sharing your opinion. you also have a point, i can imagine sex work being very taxing. i have dated multiple sex workers and have personally seen, although not personally experienced, that mental and physical tax. however, i can also imagine it being very rewarding in the sense that it is representing primal humanity. it could be considered art, and if some one is not willing to give it that designation it is at least visual/audio media. now, i understand double anal and piss porn is maybe a bit extreme in some people's eyes and of course, i'm also no expert on human psychology or psycho-analytics, but, she does really seem genuinely content and proud of her life. you are right, she's the only one who truly knows and we can all speculate all day on it with no definitive answer. thanks for your insight and having a reasonable dialogue

id: 1223991 - Text:  @dizmop  I do realize my analogy is pushing an extreme but obviously I dont know you personally so it's all I could go off of, however I do believe it's still valid. I am not disagreeing with you, money isn't all there is to life. Yes, it is common for adult actresses to have short careers I'm sure for many reason, including the nature of the work. But, I don't think being in porn dictates some one's worth as a person or that it is a bad career choice or there are "better" things they could be doing with their time. I hope you understand I'm not trying to argue or be hateful or spiteful, but just have a genuine discussion. Labor is also physically and mentally taxing and looked down upon by some people (ie the parent telling their kids to stay in school so they don't end up like that), but no one seems to care or bat an eye over it. I guess my point is just that "better" or "more worthwhile" work is subjective and I think if some one talked to this girl directly like that it would be taken offensively, same as telling a contractor they should persue more worthwhile endeavors. Anyways, I'll shut up about it.

id: 1224002 - Text: Zoe. Thank you so very much for this interview. I believe you have exposed more of yourself in this video than any sex video you have ever made. You are so smart, so articulate and so beautiful. I'm not talking about your outter beauty...your inner goddess this dark world will never dim! Yes, the fabric of our moral code, the stitches that hold our society together, have indeed been long interwoven with many different threads, some seemingly invisible. Erotic art, porn, prostitution, sexual variance/deviancy...for all of recorded time. "He is the reason for the product." Truer words have never been uttered. The hypocrisy. I personally have such mixed feelings about porn. I bear no judgment whatsoever. For all the reasons previously stated. I just worry. For you. Your body and your future. Your inner peace. The pain I hear in your voice that you swallow and bite back. The tears I see forming in the back of your eyes that never fall, held back by your incredible strength and sheer will. Not because of sex, or porn, but because of the childhood trauma that haunts you today. Like so very many of us. You are an incredibly strong and powerful woman. You have found a way to survive on your own in this brutal world. My hope for you is that you are planning for your future. I hope maybe you buy a little house somewhere that's paid for...maybe a secret little place far away just for you. (Really cheap properties all over US!) I hope you save as much money as you can...and actually make, and follow-through, with a concrete plan for your future; where you want to be in 5 years, 10, 20. I also hope you research prolapse, it can sneak up on you and it is horrible and forever. That little box in your chest taught you life is short and can stop instantly. Use that knowledge to ensure your life now, and in the future, truly is exactly how you want it to be. If it is, then, well done! If it isn't, change it. Tomorrow doesn't have to resemble any way. It is your life and your choice. I'm just some anonymous internet commentor. You can ignore my comment completely, or revel in my words of wisdom, love and encouragement. Either way...I thank you for sharing your story with courage and brutal honesty. I wish you all the best this world has to offer.💕 Truth to Power!

id: 1227986 - Text:  @pinklion26  the porn industry profits off thousands of women but one man do it his concept dont matters?
