10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 45696 - Text: Which husband is okay that his wife enters in porn?

id: 45727 - Text: I will never see a porn movie again.

id: 45739 - Text: Would you want your sister doing porn...and somehow you think that it would be sexually arousing..... seriously need help.

id: 45744 - Text: There's no way she's in love with porn. She sadly just finds worth in herself in it. She went through a lot and she was GROOMED. WHEN it's all you know, it's what you do but "Honey, Luna, you need a different husband, different friends. You are WORTHY with your clothes on."

id: 45748 - Text: Hey Traktor85 Cheers and good for you. It’s a very appropriate response. Porn is an addiction like gambling, social media and other off centre, dopamine producing, screen oriented delivery methods of addictive behaviours. I thought it was a “casual” thing I did as a viewer of porn. Then I realized it was having an undesirable effect on my “reactions” to my wife (2nd wife - much better choice, too) I was happy to be be free of it! I’m no prude. Many of my friends are regular consumers. But I finally NEVER find myself thinking, like, “oh ya, I’ll be able to get in some porn time, after blablabla “- you must know how it goes it just never happens to me now. And, even as an “older” guy, my relations with my wife are still great! Peace

id: 45757 - Text: and then the porn industry takes advantage of those traumatized and broken people

id: 45764 - Text: I love this woman. Such a strong and beautiful woman, inside and out. She's obviously plagued with issues but she's smart and seems OK. I'm so glad she and other girls love doing porn too. I think there's a pretty negative stigma against porn that doesn't need to be there. Obviously porn isn't good to watch all of the time. But as is any low effort - high reward activity.

id: 45780 - Text: Am I a bad person, if I couldn’t be with with my wife if she suddenly wanted to be in the porn business?

id: 45782 - Text: the message i got from this video is, "don't worry girls, if life ever goes rough just turn to porn and sell your body"! this is exactly what's wrong with this world today, we celebrate last place with a better award than first place, we roll out a red carpet for mediocre effort, we encourage obesity, we praise the stupidest things! there is literally thousands of children that i have PERSONALLY seen backpacking to third world countries, orphans working in the streets picking up garbage, shinning shoes, begging for money and I bet a lot of them didn't turn to porn! why are you guys treating this woman as if she is some sort of Mother Theresa? i understand she had a rough childhood but so did so many ppl and porn wasn't the answer and if it was well so be it. But to treat this woman like as she is was some war hero ... it just shows how low we've sunk as humanity! i was beaten as a kid, i saw my dad beat my mom daily, my dad was alcoholic .... I NEVER turned to alcohol, i made a living and didn't turn to being a thief! this isn't inspiring, it's the opposite

id: 45797 - Text: I could never related to her husband I rather be my wife pornstar I cannot share my woman with other dude I’m too greedy Lol
