10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1268520 - Text: Never tought you have an yt channel, first time i saw you like 2 days ago on a porn video shared by a random lol player šŸ˜…

id: 1268555 - Text: Lana is such a ā€œpick me girlā€ lol she wants to act like she has such a deep personality! Also girl you are 24, what do you mean ā€œwhen I was youngā€ hahah also she just bothers me because I feel like she tries to be the smartest girl in the room. She is so easy to read. She is projecting because she knows the whole world thinks sheā€™s a dumb pornstar girl. Which I donā€™t think sheā€™s dumb because of that. I think sheā€™s just dumb regardless of her past! Plus she stays dragging other women and canā€™t bare the fact that other girls can have more intellectual conversations than she can on her podcast!

id: 1268767 - Text: It almost is incredible that lana Rhoades former porn actress , got most of her body and face done to be accepted by men , got her money through selling her every ounce of self respect and teaches young girls about high value women , then according to this women in the army , female doctors who have a natural beautiful bodies who eat well and stay fit and don't sell every ounce of self respect all over the internet are stupid then , it's pathetic how these women can spread this unrealistic body images for young girls .

id: 1268839 - Text: Please don't tell me people actually take anything pornstars say serious...

id: 1269013 - Text: Ā @zyann2617Ā  now I'm going to disagree w you. Not every episode is about dating advice. They talk about the dark side of porn, manifestation of life goals, spilling secrets etc. Everyone who watches are not all here for the same thing(dating advice). Also, if you're gonna tell me that no one tunes in because these girls are eye candy you're delusional. We can all watch for our own reasons and extract whatever it is we want. If yours is dating advice that's fine, mine isn't. You shouldn't tell anyone including myself that I shouldn't watch because my reasons for viewing don't align w yours.

id: 1269016 - Text: Ā @michaelgoldberg518Ā  bro you couldnā€™t have said it any better. Itā€™s so sad cause theirs an audience that will truly listen to Lana like other girls listen to the kardashians. Probably not the best idea to get advice about life from a pornstar

id: 1269147 - Text: Pierre Valer ummm I can see why. I wouldn't wanna be with a former pornstar either. Not calling her a bad person I'm sure shes cool. But I wouldn't do it

id: 1269581 - Text: What she means to say is sheā€™s revealing her future ex boyfriend, nobody is marrying a porn chick unless heā€™s is in that life or he was in that life. Lana is a for the moment chick. Sweet girl but I canā€™t unsee porn.

id: 1269608 - Text: Ā @TheNamronTVĀ Just because you and some other men don't want to marry her doesn't mean others won't. Plenty pornstars are now settled down and married.

id: 1269892 - Text: I hope you had a good Christmas with Mark and that he managed to convince you that you really are worthy of a good man and a good life. With such a dreadful start in life you must be a very strong woman to have survived. The saddest thing was when you said that the best time in your life was when you were working in the porn industry. I haven't seen an update from you Margaret, I hope your life has improved.
