10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1270420 - Text: Every woman as well. Her mother chose the worst man to make a child with. And her grandmother who beat her also allowed her to be raped by the men in her family. I was strick by the fact that she told her story the way she did. I'm sure, unfortunately, that a lot of what she said is true but the way she said she couldn't go to therapy because she "had a hard time talking about it". The entire story she told was, "At 2 I was _ at 7 I was _ at 9 I was __, at 12 I was __ ... " It absolutely doesn't ring true. Also, when she was talking in numerical terms everything was a "9"... 9 times, 19 times, 900 pills. And when asked what would make her life better she said a man. Not her kids but a nice man who respects her. She says this not once but twice. And near the end the only 2 things that were positive was "the hoeing" and "gettin into porn". And to top off a rather fantastical story she talked about slashing the throats of 10 men . I don't think she intended to commit suicide but I do know some of these women most definitely take Mark for a ride for his $40. They want the money and some of them perhaps tell the most blatantly untruthful stories. When she smiles and laughs in an unaffected way she's beautiful. When she's just being herself she's lovely. I wish the best for her.

id: 1271121 - Text: She will step up to porn soon!! Better money = more risks!!!!

id: 1271130 - Text: If you Dance you wouldn’t do Porn. If you do Porn, you wouldn’t Dance. Totally different industries, they are not they same.

id: 1271815 - Text: I don't judge all I can say is that this is how alot of girls like her end up in the profession she is in. They become pornstars, escorts, victims of sex trafficking, strippers, and street prostitutes because of daddy issues.

id: 1271851 - Text: I know lots of black women and all have different vibes. This one speaks her mind but I can't fully take in her point of view when she talks about stripping and is clothed. Like...does she dance fully nude or wear lingerie? I have been to lots of strip clubs in different states and all have different laws as to how much skin they can show. DC is full out nude whereas VA is basically topless only, MD is useless. TX is bizarre because I've seen both, CA is top and bottoms covered....never been to FLA clubs. From my experiences; all young blacks are seemingly angry and are (In their minds) successful musicians about to make it which is bullshit. She is a millennial and her vernacular is telling..she is fronting big time. She is quite attractive and no visible tats is a plus. I wonder how soon porn comes next. She likes fast money,dudes with cameras have pockets full of it and are willing to part with it for 20 minute videos. Lots of girls drop their drawers for $500.

id: 1272734 - Text:  @michaelcavallacci2945  least desired to marry but one of the highest searched in porn. meaning theyre definitely desirable. so the "least attractive" thing is def a lie. but men are ashamed to bring them home to mom

id: 1272735 - Text:  @derekintheph8935  "least attractive". porn searches say otherwise. what do you look like. a guy who is actually attractive would never be this mad about these things 😂

id: 1272917 - Text: I think part of it is also people justify use of strippers, porn, etc . So if you speak highly of sex work you maintain a moral compass... because you just want freedom and it's just expressing yourself etc...

id: 1273666 - Text: Yea a porn star😂😂😂

id: 1273730 - Text:  @sheriffquick  i had a friend in the sex industry. she did a lot of glamour modelling and a bit of porn. she was a functioning coke addict and she told me many were in the industry. she was also a very angry person. good soul in there, just sort of lost and enveloped by trauma and insecurity.
