10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 1303893 - Text: Guess I wasn't nuanced enough for y'all ADVERSE Childhood experiences take a toll on one's brain chemistry and psychological trauma. Unless that is dealt with its impossible to kick addictions. Prayer and wholeness doesn't even kick in before you solve the challenge of the nucleus accumbens and pre-frontal cortex, obsessing and acting. I listened to a woman who was a stripper, prostitute porn star and drug user. It tooker her five years of medication and therapy. Then she could team up with God. If psych meds and good therapists weren't necessary God wound not have blessed them.

id: 1304462 - Text: ✝️ in the Bible, My Lord save and forgiveness a woman 👩🏻 was found doing adultery and Jesus Christ said whoever doesn't have sinners through the first rock 🗿 and not one through the rock 🗿 and Jesus Christ look 👀 the women 👩🏻 and asking who condemn you and women 👩🏻 look 👀 And she said not one my Lord and Jesus Christ I don't condemn you either go and don't a sinner against, so to you lady 👩🏻 put your soul and the hands 🙌 of God and He will take all the sinner away and give you a new life and salvation, listen 👂 to Him and He shows the way, giving you a new life, I see lot women the was doing the same too and porn videos they give they live to God and now they serve the Lord and famous they was lost in the world 🌏 and now they serve the Lord

id: 1304553 - Text:  @ph5548  Agree 100%. People have been documenting this stuff forever. A lot of people think Mark's business is "trauma porn"

id: 1305030 - Text:  @chelseamiranda6651  Uh huh. You'd be surprised at how many soccer moms have turned tricks or done porn.

id: 1305154 - Text: She nailed two of the worst things by 21:02. The way men get some sense of power from calling, letting you reserve time, skip a shower and dress up quick, calling you over and over to check your progress when you’re not late, and then just ditching with no call. Also, how so many people pass if you don’t do bareback. I hate how a lot of them know everything they learned about sex from hours and expect to push all limits, expect every act, and as roughly and gymnastically as they demand. None of this stuff existed before posting online and reviews. Men were not supposed to feel on you and kiss and all that. They knew they were expected to do their little thing & be done. Real working girls aren’t assured of a partner’s health status, and can’t do the things in porn without takes and retakes and meth (even in porn people are loaded), and higher pay so they don’t have to do it as often.

id: 1308234 - Text: Della Tadeo There are even niche markets who prefer the look of age, and will pay premium for a seedy experience. I know because I exploit these all the time. She is in a big city. She can get what she wants. I’ve had people to beg me to hook them up with my mother and they’d pay me double, and I am 42. There are some sick f’s out there. But, honestly, if they prefer age there’s nothing wrong with that, per se. It’s just not the usual and, therefore, becomes a niche. A lot of how this happened was the proliferation of all kinds of fetish porn. I knew a little person who made more money than just about anyone I’ve known. That’s a big fetish. Same with some of those 600 pound ladies.

id: 1308237 - Text: Julia Dixon It’s not at all uncommon. I have known quite a few. I will be doing it if I’m still able, and my other career plans fall through. Since the baby boom generation got older, it normalized sexuality in, and glamorized, older women in a new way, in the US. The baby boomers were a good consumer demographic & wanted to continue to see their stars onscreen, in porn, etc. I mean there have always been old girls on the streets, but the rest of the sex industry has opened up to us a bit more, in recent years, with increasing age not necessarily meaning declining prices. Schahrzad Morgan is an example of a 58-year-old escort who is doing very well. She is also a published author, educator, life coach, and has multiple income streams in the sex industry. She is more well known than many, but not atypical in making money in modeling and escorting at her age. She has a YouTube channel you can look up by her name.

id: 1308744 - Text:  @Kangaroojack1986  White girls.....they do porn and take three c cks in their ass for years while laughing only to pretend they were tricked into it.

id: 1308754 - Text: You are a sovereign goddess and a queen. Plenty of Viking women and Warriors and shield maidens ran entire Clans... women are revered healers, guys, teachers, and creators of beauty. And life itself. They also created the first language, and the patriarchy was jealous that they could not understand it, and that women could create babies which meant they could create armies. So they set out to control manipulate, demean and minimize women and take away their power. And the satanists and the elite and the Deep state have commissioned media and destroyed people to have them coerce women into thinking they are lesser than. Feminism was created to harm women also. Because we are here to be beautiful feminine creatures, when men are in balance with their masculine energy, and not in a distorted masculine energy, they Revere and cherish and adore women in the proper way. We are not here to conform to their issues and unhealed childhood wounds, or enable them to not be accountable for their thoughts and their actions. When they are in balance there are no sexual urges for strangers or children. There are no porn addictions or gambling or alcohol addictions, or attention addictions, etc etc. Maybe check out masculine and feminine Energies, try some reiki, connect with your ancestors and your angels because 95% of what is real is what is unseen. We are only reacting to the 5% that is physical, and created by those satanists, to distract us from our purpose and our mission and our Beauty and our strength and our power.

id: 1308950 - Text: Wow you are amazing so brave to tell your story its hard to see all this girls online in the porn industrie everybody with a sane mind and heart should know this is not NORMAL we must stop this EVIL so speaking about it helps opening up the eyes. Its programming the minds of the masses you can see the statistics all the sexual revolution gave us is more violence and its accepted as NORMAL call it BDSM and its OK to torture someone and do all kind of perverse idiot sick things. I wish all the actors mostly without a face go to HELL for gangbanging woman and ignoring age differences as if its NORMAL to call someone your DADDY or being called a slave. SICK and i do not keep my mouth shut and people get angry because some sick people do not want to talk about the violence but like to talk about their sick behaviour. GOD will put an end to this and i wish you all the best in your life so you can heal and you are not alone the WOMAN are rising up just WAIT for it.
