metiska onlyfans

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481 Comments about (metiska onlyfans)

metiska onlyfans

 : As heartbreaking as this is, it’s really wonderful to see this guy pouring into people by listening to them without judgment It’s very loving and probably more helpful than anything you could do for someone in this position. Whether you know it or not my friend, you are sharing the love of God with the world. 

 : She did it a few times. There is something so resigned and sad sounding to it. 

 : I'm sure she has been hit by that pitiful excuse for a man MANY times. The soft "yeah" got me too. Like Oh honey, get away from this man. I don't know... 

 : It's sad the first step will be getting clean going to rehab its difficult to think rationally when under the influence because he will always use that to keep her when fear and fighting and all that other mess not working. 😢 I hope learns how to walk away and put herself first 

 : Well I wonder why. She probably used to get told she's smart and beautiful then 20 years later she cut all ties and now runs back and forth to her abusive relationship 

 : The advice that she gives about her pimp is the advice that she needs to take herself. 💉💕 

 : Lil" mama. a good woman, a prizefighter. 

 : She deserves a better interviewer. I appreciate Mark's work, but this one was almost a "no" for me. 

 : He does not love you!!! Love yourself!!! The right person needs to come along and waste his useless ass. He's a coward!! I hope she's ok. 

 : It's control. I got beaten up pregnant, only one of many beatings when i wasn't pregnant. and years later i gave him another chance. He had jumped from a bridge and somehow survived. But we were still toxic. He ended his life 12/24/2019. He broke his daughters heart and never met his son 

 : For Real ....... 

 : How he can sleep at night after seeing and listing to all this craziness. 

 : Praying that Lil Mama surrenders and goes into treatment. 

 : She is never going to get better. 

 : My heart is broken for this dear lady! She has been let down her whole life!! Jesus, please hold your child and don't let her go 🙏 

 : Black eyes will follow you 

 : Beautiful girl in a tragic fucking life. She wasn’t born this way. She should have had more and better. 

 : Dude punched her! Crack is a hellava drug! 

 : “Making” plans to get myself together. You don’t Make them YOU DO THEM ps I’m not judging I was once a intravenous user. I look nothing like I did 10 years ago. 

 : Lil"l Mama, you are so sweet. I wish I could help you, but Mark is right. You have to do it yourself. I was homeless for 8 years and it is a hard life. I can't image being homeless, on drugs and having to prostitute. Lil'l Mama, Moms are the foundation of their family. If the foundation is broken, the house will fall apart. So first of all you NEED to take care of yourself first. I know you want everybody to be happy, but YOU matter too. You can't be a mom and grandmother, if you don't take care of yourself first. Your "boyfriend" is your pimp. He takes the money, beats you up and for what? He is a parasite who can't make his own life. a Man with a good heart and who loves you does NOT beat you up. They don't know what love is. Litl'l Mama...please put yourself first. That is not being selfish, but healthy. Your family doesn't need barbies ;) They need you to be healthy and be with them. Despite you are so high, I see how intelligent you are. you are an AMAZING woman. Shake the parasites and losers from your back and please consider rehab. I would love to give you a hug, but I live in Europe. I am thinking about you and wish you all the best. <3 

metiska onlyfans
