metiska onlyfans

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metiska onlyfans

 : "maybe he's the right guy for you" no no no.... she needs to be single no dating but with family and friends to wrap their loving arms around her 

 : The same people telling her to leave the guy are the same ones who are still with a fkd up guy 

 : When you hear him snoring, The metal baseball bat should be coming out around that time. I know, wishful thinking, but she’ll be the one found dead- the abuse never stays the same, it always escalated. 

 : Omg, they live in a camper but he said they get 1500-2000 a night...Come on now. 

 : She still high nothing change it's 😭 

 : Don't call him Master girl, Run. 

 : So glad she said don't know about loving being a prostitute. One has to be dead in mind and heart to not feel for what they are going through. I can't watch anymore of your shows. It hurts too much. Hope you're doing something for them... 

 : By the way, it is clear these two are meant for each other, at this point in their lives. So don't suggest she leave. Dude is her support base for her life in this codependent relationship. 

 : That method of "tough love" generally does not work on intelligent, educated, or self-disciplined women! However from my observations, it works well for those who are not so intelligent, not educated, addicts, or come from a more primative or non-westernized culture, some native cultures, monochromatic communities, or those living in extreme poverty. There are also cases where this type of discipline totally fails, depending on the cultural background of the woman, but especially in cases where the violence is unpredictable, uncontrolled, done out of anger, or when it goes beyond established (culturally or mutually accepted) bounds in a way that leaves a cut, scar, broken bones, permanent damage, or any type of abuse that requires an ER trip. Properly applied in the appropriate culture, a black eye or a swollen lip is simply a reminder to say, "I love you, but I'm the 'parent' in this relationship, and sometimes you need to be disciplined in a way you understand." I have absolutely seen it work well when done with love. I have also seen it fail miserably when done out of anger. This is not the final word, but those who are in this type of relationship know exactly what I'm saying, and they know it is a true record, so please don't ask me to apologize for my observations when they don't happen to fit into your limited mind, based on a lack of exposure to primative and alternate cultures. You're welcome! 

 : No one wants to be alone, it can trigger something from their past. You need to want to change and do it. 

 : "Mark" your disgusting tone of speech and unneeded sarcasm is very disturbing to your viewers. Maybe have a slice of humble pie before you get your slaps of reality sooner or later. 

 : We need a video the dogs will go after something if theyake it aware I been thru this and followed this and no utuner put me on a fresh reminder lete give th so realization and she is close I bet summer 

 : She's so FIT but I can tell she's high which makes me super sad. God watch over her and change her from the inside out. I'm an empath & can pick up on auras & energy & vibes easily. Also, I recently found out I'm possibly a medium. Right now I'm in a sickle cell crisis so I could use prayers because I'm in so much pain. 

 : Mark, why are you laughing? You seem judgmental, but I guess you might just be up front? But, still you are kinda making fun of her situation β€œyou’re gonna go to another guy that hits you?” 

 : Stop trippin' hitting (period). Edit: Hey man...stop hitting..."man." 

 : That creep MJ is a coward and a bully, beating up on a woman. I hope this nice lady leaves him for good and finds a better, healthier life, because he's keeping her down. She is worth much more. I hope she realizes this. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» 

 : Any man who harm or hit a woman is not a real man. 

 : So she is selling her toodle popper and socked her and gave her a black eye? Wtf? 

 : Um. The story with this one?? Wtf? How many has she had?? 

 : This is truly sad. She's a "nurturer" and neglecting herself. She needs to take herself off the clearance rack, and take care of #1..her. So she can be a mom to her babes. When the time is right, the right man will step up. But you can't take care of another, when you yourself is in need of healing. Plus, I found this out the hard way, you cannot change another. You cannot help another.. that other, has to come to the end of him or herself, before they want help. And even then, the only one's who can change a person is their maker. A person has to WANT change, before change will happen. Until then, it's wasting time on a 2 ton rock. Don't bother. When a person doesn't appreciate your presence, let them appreciate your absence! The best move is one forward. Leave those in the past behind. Stepping stones are meant to walk or travel across to different directions.... not stand on in one place. 

metiska onlyfans
