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481 Comments about (metiska onlyfans)

metiska onlyfans

 : Mark!!!! Are you serious you not being real with her at all! Maybe he’s the man for her really??? Nooo don’t tell her that 

 : The relationship is not working out lil mama!!!!!! You need to get yourself together 

 : Lil mama leave his ass!!! He doesn’t love you and he doesn’t want help he does not care about you or anybody else!!! You are too old to still be making excuses for this “man” 

 : Lil mama you need help!!! Master j needs help as well but you can’t help him if you’re not good yourself 

 : I dislike this person very much. No sympathy. She's toxic af. 

 : Sounds like she is truma bonded to the wrong man ** 

 : The Lord❣️ He see everything. "Who can know the heart of man but God." Beautiful person. Rotten souls be dressed up and golden souls in the mud. The irony of Life. Praise God for a new heaven and a new earth. Just imagine what she'll look like then 🤞🙌🙏💜 

 : First things first she needs to get clean and therapy. Away from fk face J. Does she looks pregnant? I notice last time she was alit skinnier she will be in my prayers 

 : At the end she's thinks by mentioning getting help will convince the individual to buy into to the point of giving her funds. Addiction makes you a con by default 🤷🏽‍♀️ 

 : Lil Mama knows Master J will never change and she knows that the tale he tells her of them starting over is a lie as well. She knows unless she gets clean there's no chance of a life with a job and a relationship without the a-- whopping! Lil Mama is one of many others just like her believing in a better life of getting it together the easy way without REHAB! You can change the environment it changes nothing without the work on self..... 

 : All respect Lil Mama, your a very dumb smart lady. You got it in you to be what you desire and deserve, but circumstances have a hard hold. Change won't come easy but will definitely be worth it. I really really hope the best of the best for you! 

 : Shes too smart to be acting this dumb ...she in the game too deep..God can only save her.🙏🏽 

 : What drugs is she on? 

 : perfect example of Stockholm syndrome 

 : "Im going to get ME together" lil mama please listen to that voice in your head and heart telling you to LEAVE & get help and your life on track hun😞❤️praying for healing 

 : Remember that song by john Lennon? "Woman is the nigger of the world." 

 : A Man that Hits You doesn't love you,,Don't confuse sex and Attention for Love...Shes gotta make different choices,,different company,, dont wait until he kills you..change now.. reset restart your life as many times as necessary 

 : Ohhh my poor thing 😢..he needs help!!! , she does too , start with yourself b 4 others !!!! Good look mam 🥰💙💚💛❤ 

 : She is so high on this interview God Bless her she wants to do better but she can't shake her addiction 

 : He WAS a pimp his ass too old now. Idk no pimp living in a camper And that last interview he was telling u what to say y’all Made a night. Nu uh.. take it from me I was in an abusive relationship for 15 damn years so there’s no what if it’s me it was and I’m telling u everyday that goes by every boundary they cross. You gotta fix u first beautiful. 

metiska onlyfans
